TeAm AnD fIgHt

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School was boring. There were germs everywhere. It was finally lunch and my cousins begged me to eat lunch with them.
So here I am. Sitting outside with the entire boys' volleyball team.

"Tsumu. Samu. When you asked me to eat lunch with you, you never mentioned I'd also be eating with the entire team."

Atsumu looked away. "Oops?"

I glared at him. "Fucking germ."

Osamu chuckled. "Tsumu you dumbass. This was yer plan and didn't even think about how the germaphobe would react."

"Shut yer trap, Samu!"

Suna took out his phone. "About damn time."

I watched as my cousins tackled each other and started wrestling on the ground. I chuckled but scrunched my nose up in discuss. "Ew, germs. You two aren't allowed to touch me!"

The team chuckled, Suna recording the twins while a few members tried breaking them up, some (like Kita) just focused their attention on me.

The captain moved a little closer, but stayed far enough so we wouldn't touch. "So, Y/n. How're you liking the school so far?"

"It's nice. I guess it's clean enough. I just don't like how close some of the walking germs get to me."

He chuckled. "Yeah... students are pretty touchy-feely here. If you need help, I'll be more than happy to lend a hand."

"Thanks." I glanced over at the two fighting twins. I got up and brushed myself off, grabbing some disinfectant spray from my pocket.
Walking over, I started spraying the two. "Get up off the dirty ground you stupid germs."

They stopped immediately, noticing how I was spraying the disinfectant on them. "Hey! Stop! Cut that out! Y/n! WE'RE SORRY!!!"

I stopped moving away and grinning. "Good. Now knock it off. Save that shit for when you're at home. Dumbasses."

The team looked at me in shock.
Aran came a little closer to me. "How'd you do that?!"

"Dunno. I just do. I've known those two my whole life so I guess I know how to deal with their bullshit."

"Language." Kita had a deadpan expression.

"Sorry." I bowed slightly to him and turned back to the twins, scolding them.

Timeskip to right after school, before practice bc I'm a lazy bitch.
Timeskip given by

I was walking with the twins out of the school building

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I was walking with the twins out of the school building.

"We'll see ya at home!" Atsumu said before getting ready to run to the gym for practice.

I stopped him. "Do you guys have a manager?"

Osamu answered. "No. Too many fan girls for all the guys on the team."

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