KiSs KiSs FaLl In LoVe

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Within a month after the inter-high, Omi and I started visiting each other more. We'd take turns going to the other's prefecture and home and would just go on small dates or spend the time cuddling in bed and watch movies or something. More often than not, we had cleaning dates.

Kita and Atsumu had distanced themselves from each other until one fateful day at a summer training camp between Itachiyama and Inarizaki.

It all started out normal, twins fighting, Suna recording, and of course Omi and I were sitting far away from it, snuggling close to each other.
Then Kita finally got involved.

"That's enough you two."
His voice rang throughout the entire gym.

It even caught me and Omi's attention.
The twins did stop, but Atsumu ran out of the gym the moment he saw Kita.

I leaned on Omi's shoulder. "He's been avoiding Kita-san ever since I told him about Atsumu's crush."

Omi put his head on mine, his arm pulling me even closer. "If you had a crush that found out about your feelings, wouldn't you do the same?"

"Dunno. Never happened to me. I don't like germs. You're the only person I can say I've ever had feelings for. And you kissed me before I even knew my own feelings."

He chuckled. "Hate to say it, n/n, but you're wrong."

"Huh?" I looked at him with complete confusion.

He turned to me, his eyes showing his smile. "When you were sick, Suna recorded you saying you like me, wanted to date me but were worried about how I felt. You even called me husband material."


"That's why you got kicked off the gc and no one added you back. It also became a joke so now my name says 'Husband Material'. Everyone else thinks it's funny, but I would've only accepted it if you were the one to do that."

I blushed. Like hard. Anyone could see it, even though I'm wearing a face mask. I leaned my face into his chest. "I'm so embarrassed!"

He pulled me onto his lap. "It's fine. I love you. So don't worry about it, ok?" He wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me close.

I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck, burying me face in the crook of his neck. "I love you too, Omi."

He smiled, quickly pulling down his mask to kiss my forehead before quickly pulling his mask back up. "Can I go to your house tonight?"

"Sure." I smiled, staying as close to my boyfriend as I can.

"I know you two are dating and everything, but this is inappropriate for this setting." Kita's voice sounded from behind me.

I turned to face my captain. "S-sorry, Kita-san. It won't happen again." I got off Omi, making my towards my team.

Omi had stuck close by me and whispered in my ear. "Can't promise anything." Then he walked off to join his team, leaving me a blushing mess.

"Damn him for being like that." I muttered.

"Someone get Atsumu." The coach yelled.

"I'll do it." Kita and I looked at each other... we both volunteered at the same time.
This caught the attention of all the players in the gym.

It was understandable why I'd offer- I'm their manager and his cousin. But Kita? Atsumu's been avoiding him ever since I exposed Atsumu having a crush on Kita. It must be awkward between the two. So why would Kita offer to get Atsumu.

Of course, neither of us went to get him. Osamu stood up. "I'll get him. Be right back." And he walked out, returning minutes later with Atsumu.
The two teams continued with practice matches.
Around sunset, the guys called it quits.

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