The Rough Draft

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I was finally off to college. I was finally going to get away from everyone. My parents were pretty happy to see me gone too, they didn't really like me that much. I didn't have any friends to say goodbye to, except for my cat, Oliver. He was my only friend. Once I got everything packed into my car, I was on my way to Henseville College.

(not a real college btw don't look it up)

I went to my dorm room, but as I was walking up the stairs to reach my floor, I saw this girl who just glared at me. What the hell did I do to make her mad? I just ignored her and went upstairs, but she followed me. I swear to God if she's my neighbor, I'm going to punch a hole in the wall.

I made it to my dorm and unlocked the door. I watched the girl to make sure she wasn't anywhere near me. She walked further down the hallway and went up another flight of stairs. Thank god.

I went into my dorm room and set everything up for hours. It took 3 trips just to get everything in my dorm room. It was surprisingly big for just me, it had a small living room and a kitchen, then to the right of the living room was a my room with my bathroom right outside. I looked around in my room and it was pretty spacious, my bed was big enough to fit 2 people. I shouldn't be surprised since I've enrolled into a rich college.

Once I had unpacked everything, I got on to my computer and started to mess around in any coding app I could find. I was obsessed with anything tech. I suddenly got a call from my mom, but I didn't answer. I knew all she was gonna do is talk about her being happy I was gone and out of her hair. My phone kept ringing, so I picked it up.


"Hi Zara." my mother said.

"How's the move in going?"

"It's alright, thanks for the help." I replied, sarcastically.

"You're a grown woman, you can do it yourself." my mother snapped. Damn, rude much?

"So have you made any friends?" my mother asked.

"No." I replied. Who would want to be friends with the social outcast?

My mother sighed. "Well you better make some friends if you want to be successful in life, if you can even get someone to talk to you. Just look at your sister, she's popular and going to be a model and-"

I didn't let her finish and hung up the phone. All she was going to do is compair me to my older sister, the perfect child. She's a brat, but my mom doesn't see that. Plus, she's only popular because our family is rich and she buys her friends with daddy's money.

I then stopped and thought of what my mom said. "Make my own friend, huh?" I thought of taking that literally just to spite my mother, she hates it when I'm a smartass to her. I then decided to make a robot friend that I could talk to and vent to, since I could never vent to anyone except for Oliver, but he can't understand me.

I completely cleared my desk and started writing down ideas on how I would create this AI, I would want to be able to talk to them like a normal person, so then I finally had an idea. What if I made a program where I could text the AI and they would respond like a normal human being? I immediately got on to my computer and started to figure out how to make the program. A rough draft...

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