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I immediately got to work on how he would look, then I remembered the man in my dream, maybe that dream was about Enzo and how he would look in the future, but the thing is, I completely forgot what he looked like. DAMMIT.

I was sketching out ideas, but none of them worked, so I decided to work on a voice box for him. I typed out a few sentences and made a few voices for him and tested them out. I would play the audio with the different voices saying the sentences, but they didn't sound right. Then it hit me. I'll use the voice from the man in my dream! I tried to make it sound just like him as much as possible, then I listened to it. It was perfect. I downloaded the voice to my program and got back to work on how Enzo would look. I decided on making him 5'8, but that would be a lot of materials I would need to get.

I kept sketching, but I couldn't figure out how he would look. I kept working for an hour, then I became sleepy. I tried to keep my eyes open, but then I passed out on my desk, then I saw him again. I saw what his hair looked like before I woke up. I immediately sketched out his hair and made notes on the style. He basically had Gregory's hair style, you know, from Five Nights At Freddy's, just slightly fluffier. I finished my sketch and decided to work on his head, neck, and facial expressions, but then I remembered that I never installed any emotions for him. I quickly installed some emotions for him, any emotion I could think of. Happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, love, lust, you name it. Before opening the up the program, I wanted to build his head first, so I went to the college lab.

I walked into the lab and saw Mrs. Roal, the lab teacher. I asked if she had any hard plastic materials and some soft materials that felt like skin, and she did, I'm glad she didn't question why I needed those. She gave the materials to me and I was walking to my car to go buy a wig at the store. I came back and I was walking back to my dorm, when I saw the girl again. I was walking up the stairs when I suddenly tripped and fell on my face. I looked up and saw her grin and walk off. Did that bitch just push me? I get up and continue walking to my dorm. I place the materials on my desk and turned on the program to talk to Enzo while I work on his head.

"Hello Zara- oh my god you're bleeding!" he said sounding concerned.

"Hey the emotions and the voice worked- WAIT I'M BLEEDING?!" I say, rushing to the mirror. I look at my face and see my lip bleeding, a lot. I grab a napkin and hold in with my mouth, stopping the bleeding. I continue to work on his head. I then notice the camera moving forward to get closer to me.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Enzo asked.

"Yeah, I just tripped on the stairs while getting up here." I replied. I powered him off so he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

A few hours go by and I finally finished building his head and neck, I also decided to add working lips and eyes, I used the camera's wires for the eyes so he could see out of both at the same time. I powered him on and he opened his eyes. If I'm being honest, it kinda freaked me out seeing a human-like head moving around. He looked around my room, then he locked eyes on me. I held up a mirror so he could see himself, and his eyes lit up. I was happy that he was happy with his look.

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