Steinbeck and Lovecraft

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Lovecraft was pinning Steinbeck to a wall in a dark alley, making out. Lovecraft was taking Steinbeck clothes off not caring if anyone is going to see them, he picked up blonde boy and warped his legs around his own waist. Lovecraft created two small tentacles to loose up him a bit, when Steinbeck felt the tentacles In him he moaned softly to Lovecraft ear. That turned him on even More. Lovecraft wanted to fuck Steinbeck now without waiting but he didn't wanted to get him hurt. He created another two tentacles but these were bigger, Steinbeck moaned louder as he felt them inside him. Steinbeck wanted to be fucked by the men pinning him to the wall after some time Lovecraft took the tentacles out and took his clothes off. Without a warning he entered his Lover which made him moaned louder, Lovecraft knew that his boyfriend was loosened up so he started moving hardly inside him making Steinbeck moan louder and louder. It was easy to find the smaller ones spot but Lovecraft was hitting all around it and not in the middle of it. This was making Steinbeck going crazy. Lovecraft loved his boyfriend moans but someone could her them so he created tentacle size of his dick and entered with it into Steinbeck mouth. Steinbeck wanted his Lover to feel more pleasure so he started licking and sucking the tentacle, it was turning Lovecraft every time so he started moved faster this time hitting Steinbeck spot. Tears started running down his face from pleasure but he continued sucking Lovecraft tentacle. Lovecraft started panting feeling that soon he is going to cum. he was moving rough and fast but Steinbeck liked it. Lovecraft cumed first but his Lover still needed a bit more to come so Lovecraft created another tentacle that was stroking Steinbecks dick while he continued to move inside. Steinbeck couldn't take it anymore, he came. Lovecraft took care of his boyfriend and cleaned him a bit up with wet tissues he had in his pocket. He dressed up Steinbeck and himself taking him home like a bride.

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