3.2 | SHAME

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The rain outside had slowed to a gentle drizzle, but the dark, angry clouds above them promised more to come

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The rain outside had slowed to a gentle drizzle, but the dark, angry clouds above them promised more to come. Alice pulled on her hood and hiked up her shoulders to protect herself from the cold while Valarie savoured her first hint of fresh air all day despite the piercing wind.

Her 2004 cargo van was an ugly shade of grey offset by a weather-worn and peeling logo printed on the driver's side door that said Italia Home Improvements. Rust decorated the metal above the tires and around the door handles. The back bumper had a massive dent.

As they approached the van, Valarie began fidgeting with the keys. "Um."

"What?" Alice twisted to look at her, hands still holding her hood.

"Never mind." She unlocked the door and hoisted herself up into the driver's seat. Over the years she'd gotten used to the feeling of being tiny behind the van's giant wheel and interior. Alice popped open the passenger side door and also climbed into her seat.

As Alice looked around, Valarie kept her eyes forward. "I think I'll grab what I need first since it's closer, and then we can go to your house second. But, uh, we'll have to go by the Kent—"

"That's fine. Whatever's easier."

"Okay..." Valarie twisted the key into the ignition, hearing the engine groan to life before shifting into drive and pulling out of her parking spot.

They hadn't even made it onto the road before Alice spoke up again. "Valarie?"


"Are we gonna talk about why you're living out of your car?"

Valarie was glad to have the road as an excuse to not meet Alice's eye. "What makes you think that?" She tried for a smile but immediately felt it waver. "Maybe I'm using it for extra storage."

    "I guess you never got better at lying, huh?"

    "Don't know what you're talking about." Her fingers drummed against the steering wheel with nervous energy. She could feel Alice studying her profile with those eyes of hers. Valarie mentally ran through whatever joke or bullshit explanation she usually gave to make people lose interest but knew that Alice would see through it in a second. "You want the sob story or you want the sob story?"

"Guess I'll take the sob story."

"Good choice." Valarie found it easier to speak by continuing to not look at her. "So, uh, my grandfather died last year, and then we kinda lost the house."

"Nonno died?" Her voice cracked, like the words had physically pained her on their way out.

Nonno. When had Valarie forgotten that Alice used to call him that? Like he had belonged to her as much as he did Valarie. She thought about all the times Alice had watched him so Valarie could go get groceries or take a shower. Nonno was probably the only person she had seen Alice get along with on the first try—probably because of the Alzheimer's, but still.

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