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Ok I have an idea just hear me out

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Ok I have an idea just hear me out.

    Valarie grinned down at her phone as she braided her still-soaking hair into a sloppy braid. She wore sweatpants, an oversized hoodie that once belonged to Mom, and thick socks. Her cheeks were still red and warm from the shower.

    She watched the three dots on her screen jump as Alice continued to type. A moment later the Twilight movie poster popped up in their chat. For our next Bad Boy movie night.

    Valarie laughed as she tied off her braid. What is it with you and Twilight? she texted back.

    Well... Kristen Stewart. But also the vibes. It makes me wanna move to a forest and never see the sun again. And I have a theory that it's low-key a really good horror franchise. A pause and those three dots again. But also mainly Kristen Stewart.

    You already live in a forest, Valarie replied. She bumped her shoulder into her bedroom door as she left.

    Wrong coast, wrong vibes. The scariest thing in my forest is my sister lol. Another brief pause. Is this a yes?

    Don't think I've ever seen the first one.


    Her smile grew even wider. I've only seen the one where he ditches her and she gets sad.

    WHAT that's the WORST one!! How did you not mention this before?

    It never came up!

    What were you even doing circa 2007-2012??

    I dunno, playing with stickers?

    Oh man now we gotta watch all of them.

    Even the bad one?

    Even the bad one(s). I can't let you live like this anymore.

    Sounds like a– She hesitated. Date. She wanted it to be a date. Would that be too forward? She typed out plan but quickly hit backspace. The word made her feel like a coward. She remembered everything Alice had said to her the other night and felt any reservations melt away. If Alice could be brave enough to bare her soul like that, Valarie didn't have to be afraid. Sounds like a date. She hit send.

    She hoped Alice was smiling as much as she was.

    Those three dots appeared, dipped, and appeared again. Absolutely.



    Valarie slipped her phone into her sweater pocket, feeling warm and fuzzy all over. She'd been on a high all week, really. Her Mom would prod her with questions whenever she caught a happy, absent-minded expression stretched across her face out of nowhere. Valarie couldn't explain herself, couldn't explain any of it. All she knew is that she'd never felt so wanted as when Alice kissed her.

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