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First of all, If you've made it this far, thank you.

I hope this story has given you some entertainment, maybe made you feel some things once or twice, and that I haven't wasted your time. Any feedback you'd be kind enough to share–good or bad–would be very much welcomed and appreciated.

I hope to begin editing over the next months. There are a million and one things that need to be corrected, changed, or cut. If you're feeling generous, I'd be forever grateful if you'd check out and/or respond to some of the questions below. Your feedback would be a big help to the editing process.

Did you have a favourite/least favourite character?

Did you feel as if the central characters changed (i.e progressed, regressed) by the end?

Did you find the characters/relationships to be believable?

Did you feel that events unfolded at an appropriate pace (not too slow or fast)? Did you feel that the dual timelines added or detracted from your reading experience?

Was there a plot line/moment/character that you found uninteresting or unnecessary?

Was there any story element that you felt was unfinished or needed more development?

Did anything seem overly repetitive?

Did the plot make sense? Was anything particularly confusing?

Was the climax/ending satisfying?

What did you like most/least about the book?

Again, thank you so, so much for reading!

If you're not tired of me yet, I have another completed story that I'm quite proud of available to read on my profile. Slate is a coming of age novel about a dysfunctional family in crisis when an estranged older brother returns home.

If you are tired of me, I might also suggest checking out the reading lists on my profile, which are full of (mostly) completed stories that I have fully read and recommend. Please feel free to also comment any story suggestions that you may have! I know I'm almost always looking for new things to add to my TBR.

Andddd that's all I got! Best wishes, and I hope we'll see each other around ❤️

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