Sorry for the trouble, I know it's late
We have our lives hanging
But I am kinda in a depressed state.
You know I come to you when I feel down
Yea, it's not coincidence
That you're always there, have this crown.
Loosing myself is easy, hurting not
Idk it's now normal
Helpless soul while the body starts to rot
Thanks, I feel safe a bit, no matter
how much shitty the day is
Cause you're my comfort character.⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
I am not ded, at least. Lol.
PoesiaPoetry is free writing. You can express every inch of your feelings and decorate them with your emotions. I personally love poetry a lot and I do encourage you all to start poetry right on. who can say, it can become the gateway of euphoria in you...