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( Resentment Live Above. )

Beyoncé's POV

"What does this one say?" I asked Nicki handing her the tenth test.

"It says Positive Bey. You're going to be a mom again." She looked up at me then sighed.



I could only say one word.



"Hey Bey!" Shawn hugged me tightly and I smiled at him.

We had formed a friendship after all this. If I was going to be Queen in four days then I needed to put the bullshit behind myself.

I didn't want to tell him about my pregnancy. I didn't know how he'd react.

Last time he threw Drake in a little prison.

"Hey, I just wanted to know what would happen if I decided I wanted to have a baby." I said really fast but I could tell he understood because of the expression on his face.

"A baby? With me?" He said hopefully.

The thirst was real.

This nigga desperate as fuck.

"What the fuck Shawn! No with Aubrey." I put him back in his place in the friend zone.

Where he belonged.

"Well I'd have to pretend it was mine. For media purposes and-"

"Don't call my unborn child it." I interrupted him.

"Okay, the child that is currently inside of you. Wait are you pregnant." He stopped and looked at me in my eyes.

"Yeah. I had sex last night with Drake... I mean Aubrey. It wasn't really my fault." I tried to defend myself.

He chuckled then asked,

"How is that?"

"Because my body-" I got closer to him in a flirtatious way.

"Is just so," I continued.

I put my finger toward my lip and whispered,

"Irresistible." I smirked and moved back to my spot.

I looked at the bulge in Shawn's pants.

He smiled awkwardly and put his hand over his pants.

"I need to go to the bathroom." He lied and got up.

"Wait... So is it okay? Will I be able to keep my baby?" I asked him.

"After seeing how much Torrey missed you. I couldn't take that away from another one of yours and do that to you as well. Now I am pretty sure you can see I have an emergency to take care of. So bye Bey!" He said running off before I could ask further questions.

I opened my eyes as I awoke from my sleep to hear a loud ass noise banging on the other side of my door.

I sighed loudly and walked over to my door pulling it open not caring that I only had a purple silk robe on with my red thong and no bra whatsoever.

It was the red headed devil.

But the reason for my unborn child.

And standing next to her was my baby.

"Beyoncé can we talk?" Rihanna said but I first ran into Drakes arms hugging him tightly pulling him close.

I kissed his cheek then his lips right in front of Rihanna.

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