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Beyoncé's POV

I rubbed my eyes when I saw the sunlight facing directly at me through my old window. My bed was rough compared to usual.

I looked around.

Then I realized where I was.

I looked at my worn out pink covers. And my pink walls that are slowly having the pink paint falling off.

I was home.

I turned to my right and Torrey lay right beside me. She had just woken up too.

My very own sleeping beauty.

"Good morning princess." I smiled at her.

"Momma!" She wrapped her arms around me.

Maybe I haven't even left. Maybe this kingdom thing was all a dream. Maybe Drake still loves me.

I smiled at my hopeful thoughts.

"Torrey who is Shawn?" I asked her hopefully.

"My other daddy." She said making me frown it wasn't a dream.

"My real daddy is down stairs cooking me breakfast." She smiled getting up.

"I'll meet you down there baby. Go eat your breakfast." I fake smiled at her trying to reassure her I was okay.

"That smile ain't fooling me. But it's good to be back home." She giggled then kissed me on the cheek before stomping out the room to the kitchen in her white unicorn onesie.

This child.

My child.


I thought to myself looking down at my now growing stomach. Seven more months.

I got out of bed and went into the restroom. I was going to shower but I chose not to.

If I'm home might as well act like it.

I washed my face and pulled my blonde weave, which after my chat with Drake I've considered going natural again, into a high bun and applied some pink and white evolution of smooth or e.o.s onto my lips.

I was wearing my same navy shirt but I was no longer wearing the shorts. Just in my black Victoria Secret panties but I'm home so who going to do anything about it.

Aren't I queen?

I couldn't wait to see my mama.

Other than the wedding the last time I've seen her was an argument.

The last time I was in this house...

"Beyoncé! RUN!" I heard Solange scream once again but now behind me.

I turned worried about her but when I did I saw her crying and still trying to scream , as the guards held her and Kelly down.

I walked down the stairs and looked at the living room. A warm tear fell from my eye as I remembered that day.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of Shawn and his people. It was his fault. All of my depression. This was him.

"No. Shawn is a good guy." I whispered to myself not wanting to go back to the way our relationship started.

I had began to care about him.

He was my best friend.

And I didn't want to lose him too.

" Good morning baby. " I said to Drake smiling and sitting in a seat close to him.

But after minutes passed with him not responding. My smile faded.

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