Chapter 1 (ahem also happy birthday @gerardway bc its his birthday)

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Gerard Way sat quietly in his chilly cave, his weak knees he's been givin' tucked gently behind his small red head. This position gave him a very nice backbreaking sensation, which cleared his feeble mind of any possible on coming worries.

        What was Gerard worried about? The release of Brave Human. Today, October 1st, was the release day. He had distance himself from any and all electronics to prepare himself mentally for this moment. 

        Gerard's thoughts were cut short, however, as a supersonic baby giggle shook the cave-- and Gerard's feeble lungs-- with its immense amount of bass. "HOLY SMOKES RAY!!!!! >:( SERIOUSLY?!!!@!2 DANGg,, RAY!?!/!" Ray came gallopingg in on all fours, his knees massively hyperextended ;( . Gerard unfurled his frail body!! and stood over the new-come,r. fFRank was curled, nestled, in RAay's beautiful hair.Frank sneezed thrice and licked his own eye. "Yea-a-a-a-a, homie," Ray said, agreeing with frank, his vocab sounding forced, as if mikey was travelling up hiis digestive system,,.. "Why-yo-voice so-s t a n k dog ;/ ?" he asked gerard. OFFENDED!! geaarrard clutched his abdomen and stamped his little baby foot-- no litterally he had a tiny baby foot on his man-body coming ouft of his pants!! a baby foot!! hahahah- ok so -- he stamped his little baby foot, "I'm a DAD!! D:<" A muffled gasp could be heard from mikey from within ray's bowels. a sympathetic silence fell over the room. frank, stll nestled in rays' gorgeuous, lovley hair, puked violently before scuttling down rays back and up gerard's left leg. oncefrank reacheD GERARD STOMACH HE LOCATED THE BElly button and began to chip slowly at the meaty surface.,, Instead of blood, as one would expect, audio files of small children cheering where heard, quickly overlapping and becoming more and more frequent as frank gnawed through geard's flesh to his fertle man-womb. just like he had been trained in the mlitary, frank pulled, yanked, grasped, and finally rIPEPD the fetus out an dragged it out the hole he had left in gerard's stomach ;,(. THe audio files were almost unbearable now-- seperate clips unidentifyable. at this poutn..  gerard quietly placed a small blue bandaid over his baby hole and the audio files dwindleed away until they finnallt ceaszed ;o!!/.. As soon as "Frnkiero andthe fetus" (Going On TOur Soon!!!! Cant Wasti!!! Aaaa!!!)0) reached the floor, frankie bear coughed in proposal of the name. "I like it!' said a muffled mikey. "bob" gerard said, tastin teh nameh his wifeh frankeh suggested :3.  "Golly! 'Sure do love that name! :D" the fetus, now a heavily beared fetus said, "Dont make me wear your dumb eyeliner!" Frnak hastilly hid his makeup bag full of only eyeliner behind his back and swallowed his tears.

        "I want a naval piercing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" mikey, now in Ray's throat, a single mikey niike shoe outside ray's mouth. Everyone!! Cheered!!!!! !!! . Ray gripped mikey by his tiny ankle and pulled him out like noodle or a hair u choke on, gaggin the whole way. Ray shook mikey out until he would stand up (kind o f like a reverse slap bracelet) and set him on his feet AW!!!  "Pierce the Na-viel!!!' mikey said as he stared into your eyes for combedic effect. everyone else freeze framed as mikeys eyes slowly turn black and suddenly everyone is now looking at you with giant smiles and black eyes as the background turns black and tings shake and the saturation is fully turned up and -- frank clears his throught in quick sticato beats. "ahem, yea! naval piercing!" the fetus says. everyone comedicly exchanged expectant glances for a solid ten seconds, each expecting the other to be a secret naval piercer.  no one was ... ;( "You know what this means," gerard muttered. "yea' mikey replied. "we have to visit" ray said. "Past ussss!!!!!" every one said in unison!!! SUDDENLY! the ripple effect comes in and mikey giiggles somethhing about it tickling. 

all of the sudden the guys are in the back of a 2005 my chem tour bus.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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