Chapter Twenty-Three: Heart Monitor

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Henry slowly woke up, groaning in pain. He couldn't move his body, due to discomfort, and the fact that he felt so... heavy.

He had enough mobility to examine the room he was in. The lights were so bright, but once his eyes adjusted, he saw that he was in the Government Base's Infirmary.

"W... what t-the-" He sat up suddenly, before hissing from the pain. he looked down at his body.

He had nothing on but a dull blue hospital gown, and he could feel the rough bandages that were all over his torso and arms.

Where the hell am I? Henry thought, as he ignored his own agony and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He took in a breath, and forced himself to stand up.

He stumbled, finding it difficult to control his balance. He stepped forward, and felt a small tug at the crook of his elbow.

He looked down...a kind of .... tube? His eyes followed it, and it was attached to an IV drip. There was also a wire attached to his chest, which in turn was connected to a machine. It measured his heart rate and blood pressure, both of which were quite low.

"А, хорошо, you're awake."

The voice startled Henry, and he almost fell over. He looked at where it came from. A familiar woman stood in the doorway, wearing a blue sweater and a white lab coat, holding a clip board. Her blond hair was tied back in a ponytail and her red eyes peered at him through pink tinted glasses.

Ah, yes. Dr Vinschpinsilstien.

Dr. Vinschpinsilstien got closer to Henry, and inspected his heart rate and blood pressure monitor, before letting out a sigh.

"You're lucky you're still alive, Stickmin. Your vitals are barely functional."

Henry tried to sign with his hands. but one arm was completely limp, while the other was shaking like a leaf.

The doctor shook her head. "Don't try to use sign language. It's best if you speak. I don't mind if you stutter."

Henry took a deep breath. "F..f-fine... w-what happened t-to me?"

"I'll tell you. You were shot. Multiple times, and in vital areas. Бог, its a wonder how you're not dead yet." She showed Henry the clipboard, showing red X's where his wounds were.

"Now, let's check your movement. Give me your hand."

Henry hesitated, but in the end decided to comply.

Dr. Vinschpinsilstien took Henry's hand, and pulled it towards her, then inspected it.


Henry squeezed her hand with his own. His joints felt tight and sore, but at least they were moving at all.

"Good job, you're alive." The doctor let go of his hand. "And since you're already standing, lets see you walk to the closet and back."

Henry hesitated, but took small steps forward. His legs were shaky, but they just held enough of his weight for now. He got to the closet and leaned against it.

"D...Dr V...I...ow-" Henry hissed.

"You're halfway, Солдат. Walk back to me."

Of course, Dr Vinschpinsilstien wasn't going to sugar coat anything. Or gently suggest something. She was cold, blunt, and never hesitated to go straight to the point.

And knowing this, Henry didn't dare to disobey. He took more shaky steps, whining quietly as his knees almost buckled beneath him.

Once he made it back to the bed, he flopped on it.

The Doctor put a gloved hand to her chin. "Hm... lower mobility needs some work, but its good to know that you're not paralysed from the gunshot to your spine."

Henry shuddered... last time, he lost his spine... He was glad he still had one.

"D-Dr Vin..." He started. " long w-will recovery take?"

She sighed. "Luckily, not as long as I expected. You were not suppose to wake up for another two weeks... I must say, though, you recover very fast... your stitches from suegery are already scarring."

Henry looked down at himself.

Already scarring? Without a Reset? How? I only get the scars after I fail...I....I-

Confusion, as well as pain, hit him like a brick, and he leaned back on the bed, groaning.

Dr Vinschpinsilstein reconnected him to the monitor.

"....You know, Mr. Calvin has been waiting for you in the waiting room ever since you were brought here... he's...quite stubborn.."

Henry glanced up. "C..Charles...w...waited for me..? H...he-"

"Save your energy for visiting hours, Stickmin. We can't have you pass out in the middle of it."

He looked down again as the doctor left the room, closing the door behind her with a thud.

He was alone with his thoughts for now.

For... maybe about half a minute, because the door slammed open again. This time, Charles was here.


Henry didn't have time to process what Charles just said, as he was already wrapped in that famous bear hug.

Henry stuttered out. "C..Charles...?"

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there oh my stars! I...If I took you with me-"


"M-maybe if I convinced the General to give you a missio-"


He stopped as Henry coughed a bit from raising his volume.

" isn't your f-fault... I....w-went on a m-mission, even if I didn't e-exactly have a r-reason to...I....just felt like I n-needed to..."

Charles sat down beside the bed. Before taking off his headset.

"....I wish you told us... m...maybe I could've been back up... don't tell us anything... do you?"

Henry didn't respond....and yet Charles knew the answer.

"....please, Hen... Something has been bothering you for over a year, and I'm trying everything in my power to help you... even if it's... confusing...I still want no secrets between us..."

Henry started shaking as he looked down at his lap. His weak hands gripped tight to the blankets, and he felt the cold tears drip down his face.

Charles immedietly took action and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just.... take your time... but no more lies... I can't take another one..."

Henry let out a wheeze of a sob. He leaned in Charles and hugged him with his good arm. Charles, in responce, hugged back, rubbing the back of his head.

"'ll be ok...I... I will make sure to visit you whenever I can... you don't have to tell me everything all at once..."

Henry's sobs eventually went quieter until he was completely silent again.

Maybe...he should! H..he'll think you're crazy! The Government will take you to a lab! Or a mental hospital! Or worse ... the CCC!

Henry thought of all the possibilities and started to stress out again... until...he felt Charles hold his hands.

His heart monitor must've broke, because the heart rate was going five times faster.

Must be the stress.

He looked back up at see that sweet, kind, lovable gap-toothed smile Charles always had. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes. And so much... warmness and empathy in his voice.

"I promise, Henry...I will listen..."

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