the view is pretty, but you're prettier

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Sunsets and smiles.

Blankets and cuddles.

Whispers and kisses.

That's how it had been for Toni and Cheryl on a Saturday night. Wrapped up in each other, whispering reassuring messages. Cheryl wanted this forever, if not, then however long it could last.

Toni grasped her hand, "shh my love, you're thinking too hard.Only we can decide our future". Cheryl smiled at that, sinking further into her girlfriend.


It felt like a dream that Cheryl was able to call Toni that. Just months ago she would only watch her from afar, not thinking she would ever speak to her.

But now, here they are. Here they fucking are.

And to say It was everything Cheryl dreamed of was an understatement.

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