Zatanna x Daughter Marinette

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I've never felt this strong
I am invincible, how could this go wrong?
No, here, here's where we belong
I see a road ahead
I never thought I would dare to tread

Zatanna dutifully walks down the aisle carrying within her arms one of the few single things in her life that brought her nothing else but sheer Joy. Her newborn daughter of fewer than 7 months, Marinette. John stood off to the side with a fond smile as he stared down at his daughter.

Like an image passing by, my love, my life
In the mirror of your eyes, my love, my life
I can see it all so clearly
All I love so dearly
Images passing by

Soon time went on in the baby with no more and in its place stood a young strong teenage woman, who held a knack for sewing and all things magical by Nature. Around the time Marinette was 15 her father was finally done in by his magic and taken to hell for all the crimes he committed as the Hellblazer.

Like reflections of your mind, my love, my life
Are the words I try to find, my love, my life
But I know I don't possess you
With all my heart, God bless you
You will be my love and my life
You're my one and only

Zatanna watched her daughter grow with each passing day. And every day she knew she was only one day closer to the day she would have to let her go. And they did come in the shape of the young man known as, Benjamin Kirby Tennyson.

I held you close to me
Felt your heartbeat and I thought I am free
Oh, yes and as one are we
In the now and beyond
Nothing and no one can break this bond

Zatanna walked Marinette up the aisle on the day of her wedding to her first and only boyfriend turned fiancee, Ben. She smiled as she took her seat in the front row next to Ben's mother who accompanied her in shedding happy tears for their children's moment as they said their vows in front of family and friends

Like an image passing by, my love, my life
In the mirror of your eyes, my love, my life
I can see it all so clearly
All I love so dearly
Images passing by
Like reflections of your mind, my love, my life
Are the words I try to find, my love, my life
But I know I don't possess you
With all my heart, God bless you
You are still my love and my life

Four years passed since then and Zatanna was on her way to the hospital to meet her first grandchild or well grandchildren because all that alien DNA might have affected Ben's reproductive systems to possibly make her child spew out multiple children. She shuddered at the thought as she came up to a red light. A soft smile graced her features as she remembered when Marinette was born her father was in a blind panic and John was dealing with a demon who wanted to claim their daughter's soul for his own.  She felt a soft presence by her side as she parked her car in the hospital parking lot and let that soft smile grow into something bigger.

Yes, I know don't possess you
With all my heart, God bless you
You are still my love and my life
You're my one and only

Five hours later she held her grandson Kenith Tennyson in her arms while Marinette slept and Ben took care of the paperwork for the child and Marinette. Zatanna quietly hummed to both her daughter and grandson, "Yes, I know I don't possess you with all my heart god bless you, You are both my love and my life"

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