Princess bride part 4

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(I updated call off the hit men jeez it hasn't even been a full day since I posted the last chapter give me a break people)

While they waited for Alfred to return, Bruce started up a fire in the fire place with the wood supply they had. Dick and Jason went to gather more blankets and pillows for the story and then later a blanket fort since they could. Tim was sadly still tied up. Though compared to the other times Jason's books were interrupted this was quite tame, so Bruce let it slide this once. 

Dick and Jason came back with several arm fulls of pillows, blankets, and several boxes of tissues. The two began laying out the pillows and blankets so everyone could be comfortable even setting the large fluffy blanket out for Alfred when he came back.

Alfred slowly brought in tea cups, a pot of tea, and lastly some food before sitting down. But before they could get started the door bell rang. Alfred stood up and went to answer it. "Master Bruce I believe this is for you" Alfred said coming back inside with Clark Kent of all people following him.

"Bruce why weren't you answering your com?" Clark asked

"As you can obviously tell Clark I've been spending time with my family. Enjoying a Hurricane tradition we haven't been able to do for a while" Bruce growled remaining a little civil.

Dick and Jason rearranged the pillows and blankets around the room. Clark sighed, "Everyone at the watchtower thought something had happened to you"

"And as you can clearly see Clark I am fine now leave" Bruce hissed.

Clark took in the state of the living room. "Can you at least tell me what it is exactly your doing?" Clark asked

"Alfred's reading us the Princess Bride" Dick said

Clark's eyes widened even he'd heard of the book himself even wanted to read it, but there where only so many copies made long before he was born to think that the Wayne's had a copy. The book even pre-owned cost millions of dollars.  Sure enough on the table was S. Morgenstern's elusive book with a bookmark just a few pages in. Clark wanted to stay and hear the rest of the book, but he had a city to protect. "I'll let the rest of the League know not to bother you" Clark said catching Bruce's glare.

Before he could leave, Alfred shot Bruce a look. Bruce sighed before conceding to the look, "Would you like to join us Clark?" Bruce sighed

Clark automatically light up like a Christmas tree. Bruce sent Alfred a look that he was slightly annoyed that the alien was interrupting their family tradition for days like this one. "Let me just contact the League" Clark said before quickly leaving the room to contact the League.

He came back only two minutes later. Jason got him caught up on the story so far before Alfred picked the book back up. And began were he'd left off.


Alya saw the man in black come over the edge of the hill, "INCONCEIVABLE! Give her to me" Alya ordered.

Bily placed her down so Alya could grab her arm. "Catch up to us quickly" Alya ordered

"What do you want me to do?" Billy asked the guy had defeated Damian one of the finest fencers in the world what could he do against the guy.

"Finish him. Finish him your way!" Alya shouted.

"My way and that would be?" Billy asked

"Pick up one of those rocks. Get behind the boulder. In a few minutes the man in black will come running round the bend. The minute his head is in view. HIT IT WITH THE ROCK!"Alya shouted before forcefully dragging Marinette away.

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