Chapter 5

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There was something in the air around Darten City Academy, whether it was the feeling of a new year, the back to school feelings or the thought of it being your last year. It made everyone excited. You could feel it in the corridors as you walked past people who were discussing dates,dresses,hairstyles for the upcoming prom 10 months away. Jaftha frowned at the two girls walking infront of him who were all too excited to talk about the designer making their dresses and the material being used to make the dress. He didn't even know if he was planning on going,it wasn't like prom was mandatory.

He had come back to school thankful that the buzz around his father's crimes has moved  past the school. He had spent the rest of the weekend with Mrs Hill working on the backyard, it was safe to say the yard looked so much better, he was excited at the prospect of maybe buying a pool for the outrageous heat that fell upon the town  every year.

Jaftha stepped into the locker room and changed into their mandatory PE uniform. If there was one subject other than English he hated it was definitely PE, why does one need to get all sweaty and tired during the morning while you still had classes. He walked out with some of the student that were done changing and walked up to sit down on the bleachers waiting for everyone to come. He looked around at the various groups that was standing around with their friends.

Loneliness. This was one word that people often associated with him whether it was his grandparents,his teachers or peers, they liked to perceive that because he didn't talk to anyone he was lonely. There was some truth in it but it didn't bother Jaftha,he talked to people especially the people who commissioned him to do a painting for them. He had his paintings and drawings and whenever he felt he was too invested in it he would go out for a movie or go spent time at Papa Joe's. There was one person he talked to,okay,occasionally talked to. Whenever the teachers did the torture of forcing students to work in groups the two of them gravitated towards one another. He didn't know how or when it had happened but it did. But it was still not like they were friends, sure they would meet up if they needed to work on a project but that was it. There would sometimes be the occasional headnot or hello if they bumped into each other but that was it really.

Jaftha stared at his group?buddy as she stood dressed in her cheerleading outfit addressing a group of girls wearing the same black and red outfits. They were the only onces allowed to not wear the black shorts and red shirts. Alicia Beckett ,daughter of a doctor and successful business man and head cheerleader was the one person he felt he could be good friends with if he had not been such a recluse.
"What could possibly be going on in that thick head,I wonder? Could it be different excuses as to why he can't run again this year? Hmmm?" A familiar voice broke Jaftha out of his reverie and he glanced at the person infront of his forcing himself to squint his eyes and roll it when he saw who it was.
"Coach Rochester, quite frankly I am appalled that you would even consider making such heinous insinuations. While I may not be your star student I have always participated in your torturing routines." He said and Coach Rochester laughed as he patted him on his shoulder.
"Jaftha, always a pleasure to see you. Your words always inspire me to do increase the workload in PE. " he said sarcastically and Jaftha laughed and nodded. He stood up as Coach Rochester addressed everyone.
"3 laps around the field than we can play a majority sport." Everyone groaned and Coach Rochester laughed.
"Move it,misfits! I'm going to count to 3 than I want to see everyone already having done 1 round. " Everyone started running, some doing more of a fast paced walking than running. Coach turned around and rolled his eyes as he saw Jaftha make a show of walking down the steps and onto the field.
"Move it,misfit!" Coach yelled at him and Jaftha laughed. Coach Rochesters definitely made PE better.

Jaftha hoisted his backpack onto his back and moved down the stairs infront of the school. His pace was slow as he walked behind a group of people who were taking their time moving to their cars or to the gate. He looked up as they got quiet and started whispering amongst themselves.
"What is his sort doing here?" "OMG! I wonder who is in trouble?" He tried to see who they were talking about and noticed everyone outside was staring at the person.  If the glares and disgusted looks were anything to go by it was definitely someone from the Richard Darten Public School named after the founder of the town and establisher of the school. The school was known to be the breeding ground for The Vipers.

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