Chapter 12

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Jaftha didn't hear back from Blade for four days,but his suspiciouns that they had something to do with his electricity and water being shut down were confirmed when hardly even 12 hours went by and it switched on. He had slept over at the Hill's and by the afternoon that he went home he found everything working. Still he couldn't help but wonder who's idea it had been to leave him without water and electricity. The douchebag prodigee or his father. Not wanting to look a gifted horse in the mouth he had immediately cleaned the house and brought everything that was over at the Hill's place back home. Sheriff Molton had only been back one time and that was to confirm to Jaftha that the men had all talked when they got to the station so there would be no need for him to go to court.

"You know you shouldn't space out like this. It's very unbecoming especially since I am sharing my tragedies with you. " A femine voice huffed from next to him as he sat on the benches outside eating lunch. He looked over at Olivia and smiled as he saw her pout while stabbing her salad. This was a new thing too, since he stayed home the day after the break in, he came back to school afterwards and ever since then Olivia has been around him 24/7. He was a little freaked out about it but after she started dragging him class to class, he had just shrugged and accepted the strange situation.
"Oh,I am sorry. Please accept my sincerest apologies. Now please continue telling me about how the cheerleaders are ruining your life." He said and she rolled her eyes at his sarcasm and looked over at the squad who were all sitting outside today since the weather was sunny. She took her carton of chocolate milk and opened it,drinking some from it before offering the rest to him.
"I am serious, at the beginning of the week,I heard that three of them hooked up with the same guy at a party. Now everyone is looking at them like their cheap because society hasn't progressed since the 16th century and cannot seem to fandom that men are just as cheap. " She said and Jaftha nodded as he finished the rest of her chicken salad since she finished the rest of his sandwich.
"Society is always going to look at men and women differently, no matter how much women ask for equality because society is always going to deem women as soft and as objects. " Jaftha said and Olivia frowned as she slapped Jaftha on the arm.
"I'm thinking about giving it up,exactly. Too much work and not enough rewards." She said and Jaftha looked at her as she played with his hat.
"Giving up on being woman? Seems...seems a bit excessive." Jaftha said teasing and Olivia glared at him before stealing her milk back. He laughed as they stood up when the bell rang.
"No,idiot. Give up cheerleading. There's a lot of great girls who I think would be perfect for cheer captian. Just have to have a conversation with Miss Sazhecs first." She said wrapping her hands around his arm which she seemed to like doing for some reason. Jaftha nodded and grabbed his bag as they left. The conversation stopped but Jaftha figured Olivia was thinking about what she said so he just walked on in silence.

During the last class,Jaftha sat down, coping the notes from the board as he listened to his teacher discuss the notes. Olivia sat on his right, speed texting someone from her phone while simultaneously coping the notes. Jaftha shook his head, looking over at the door when a knock resounded throughout the class. The teacher stopped talking and walked over the door as the rest of the class leaned forward in their chairs to try and see who was at the door. It was pointless as the teacher went out instead,closing the door behind her causing everyone to start talking immediately.
"Do you have any plans after school?" Olivia turned in her seat to face him, phone layed down on her desk. He shook his head furrowing his eyebrows.
"Uhmm no. I'm probably just going to go home and watch movies or sleep. Why?" He asked and she nodded.
"My boyfriend is working until later tonight and I have been dying to try out that new dish at Papa Joe's. I hear it's the perfect mix between spicy and sweet. Korean styled barbeque chicken. You in? My treat." She said causing Jaftha to stare at her in disbelief.
"You want to have luch after school with me?" He asked and she laughed as he pushed him.
"Yes,we have been having lunch together for the past couple of days, don't see why we can't have another." He smiled and nodded.
"Alright,I guess I'll be your boyfriend's stand in and your second option." She laughed and went back to writing when the teacher returned.

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