Chapter 7

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By the time the new day had broken out,Jaftha was still furious with anger. He had probably only gotten two hours of sleep because how dare his father think just because he was going to prison he was going to continue with his legacy. Keeping an eye on the clock, he made coffee for himself and a bowl of cereal. When his anger wouldn't let him sleep in peace he had stood up and anger painted.

After he ate breakfast and gotten dressed he left the house slamming the front door for good measure, it didn't really help it made for a great exit. He waved at Mrs Hill who was busy tending in her garden outfront, anger subsiding a little when she waved bright smile back.

The walk to the Police Station took him about 10 minutes in his anger and once again he found himself outside the police station. He took three deep breaths and released it before marching up the steps. Inside the Station was busier than the previous times he had been there, there were people all over the place talking to the woman out front. Opting not to go join the group of people, he went to the doors, eyes scanning the room. Police officers paid him no mind probably used to his visits already which wasn't very comforting for him. He moved pass the desks, making sure not to draw any attention to himself.

He wrote his name in the book and quickly scanned the list looking for a certain douchebag's name but it seemed he had not yet visited his leader. Good. Jaftha thought as he made his way over to the room his father was kept in. Just as it was outside, the cells had more people in, even his father had two more people in. He glared at his father who was sitting on the bench watching the two people inside play cards. Too mighty to join his fellow cellmates in a simple card game.

Whistling from some drunkard in the cell next to his father's drew his father's attention to him. Whatever look he had on his face was enough to make his dad stand up and move to the cell.
"Rick!" His father called and Jaftha frowned as he followed his gaze,the officer who had been standing outside walked into the room, eyebrow raised as he stared at Jonathan.
"Can I have some privacy,man? Just a quick word with my son." He said and Rick made a show of rolling his eyes before walking over to the cell and opening it. He waited until Jonathan was out before closing it again.

Jaftha followed his father out of the room and pulled him into a utility closet a few metres away from the room.
"Look, I can explain........" Jonathan started and Jaftha scoffed as he interrupted him.
"Whatever it is, you can save it. I don't care, I have given you enough chances to explain whatever the hell is going on but you don't deem me important enough to know what the hell is going on in your life. Let me ask you something, what was the end goal here,hmm? Jonathan Acosta goes to prison so obviously his son has to continue in the family business. Do you really think that low of me? Everytime I come here there is a fraction of me that believes you're gonna tell me how you're innocent and someone is framing you but no, all I get is more and more lies." He said glaring at his father.
"Jaftha, joining the gang is for your own protection. Nothing more, nothing less."
"What,protection? You actually think I need the gang to protect me? I can protect myself. Quiet similar to when I protected myself when those people tried breaking into the house last week or when they were vandalising the house last week. Didn't need your gang then certainly don't need them now." Jaftha inwardly smirked as rage flew onto his father's face.

"What? Who was it?" His father yelled causing Jaftha to unvoluntarily to flinch. He took two steps away from his father causing his father to narrow his eyes.
"Did this actually happen or is it a lie?" Jonathan asked and Jaftha pursed his lips as all feeling of satisfaction flew away. He could feel the tears start to brim his eyes and knew he needed to get away from his father.

"Really, I tell you somebody tried breaking into our house and you accuse me of lying? Really, I get nothing? Not even 5 minutes worth of Jonathan Acosta's worry. You know what, I'm done. No matter what I do, I'm never gonna be good enough for you so why bother. At this point I'm not even sure why I keep on bothering with you." He said as he turned around reaching to open the door. He was stopped when his father grabbed his wrist,he spun around yanking his arm away from his father.
"Don't touch me." He said making sure to keep eye contact with his father who seemed suprised. He opened the door and walked away not turning around when he heard his name being called.

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