Chapter 9

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Time sometimes seemed to run away from you when you are not keeping track of the days. One day you're starting something the next time you look at a clock, you are done. A loud noise which resembled that of people fighting woke Jaftha from his barely even 6 hours sleep. He groaned and practically crawled out of bed as he made his way over to his window to open it. His ever fighting neighbours were fighting again about something the husband had done, he never knew why people stayed together even when all they did was argue. This fight was the 7th one in the last 4 days, Mrs Hill the neighbourhoods own old woman in gown had come by the previous day to tell him everything while he had been painting.

Choosing to ignore their petty arguments, Jaftha waddled to the bathroom instead, he  placed his arms on the basin and opened the tap running his hands over his face. He stopped when he looked at the tap which wasn't pouring out any water and closed it,only to open it again. Again nothing happened, confused he walked over to the shower and turned it on,only to once again be met with no water. Confused he left the bathroom and moved downstairs to see if it was all the taps that had no water or only the upstairs bathroom. When no water came out of the kitchen taps he figured the pipes were probably being fixed. Luckily he had taken the incentive to wash up last night when he was full of paint. He groaned and walked back upstairs to wash out his mouth with mouthwash.

Jaftha covered the painting with the black cloth he used when delivering paintings and made sure the straps were tied and the cloth wouldn't blow away or open before he picked up his bag and walked out of the bouse. It was still early to go to school but he wanted to stop by Papa Joe's to grab his daily fix of coffee and breakfast before going to school. He caught some of his neighbours looking out of their windows probably listening in on the shouting that was still going on.

"Hmmm, there is this very famous saying. What was it again? Something about cat and curiosity being killed or what was it again?" He teased as he walked past Mrs Hill who was apparently reading the newspaper outside. She playfully glared at him and he laughed as she moved to hit him with the paper.
"If they are choosing to scream this loud at the crack of dawn, then of course it is my duty as a concerned neighbour to keep an eye and ear out in case." She said and Jaftha lifted his eyebrows to give her a really look which caused her to roll her eyes.
"In the case of what exactly, you meeting the bookclub ladies this afternoon?" He asked adopting a face of innocence which earned him another paper hit.
"Are you perhaps implying that I gossip?" She asked playfully and he shrugged and pursed his lips to stop his smile.
"Well if the shoe fits." He trailed off and lifted his eyes as he looked up at the sky. Mrs Hill let out an offended gasp as her hand flew to her heart.
"I will have you know that whenever I heard something and tell someone else about it, I am merely just doing them a public service." Jaftha broke out laughing as he looked back at Mrs Hill.
"Rachel Green,really?" He asked and she opened her mouth to say something else when the front door flew open across the street and a man came flying out into the car that was parked out in the driveway.
They watched the car fly by and Mrs Hill shook her head as she tssked and mumbled about animals and driving.
"Well,let me leave you to your readings and go grab coffee before I die. See you later,Mrs Hill." He said and Mrs Hill smiled at him as she hit him with the paper once again.

Considering the fact it was 7:30 Papa Joe's was a lot busier than expected,Jaftha looked around and chose a seat at the back away from the buzz of the morning. As soon as he sat down a waitress walked over with the menu.
"Goodmorning and welcome to Papa Joe's.  Do you know what you want to order or will you need another minute?" She asked and Jaftha looked through the menu quickly before looking back at her.
"I'll have the cheese and bacon omelette with two sausages,please and an extra large takeaway coffee. Thank you." He said and she nodded before walking away.

The noise around the diner filled as a group walked in, Jaftha noticed they were wearing jackets with The Viper's emblem on. He rolled his eyes and watched the people around the counter move away as the group talked amongst each other. Either they were ignoring the looks the rest of the diner were giving them or they really didn't noticed but they moved to the back where he was sitting and took the four men booth infront of him.

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