Chapter 10

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Frustration was running deep through Jaftha as he was placed over again. He was using his free period to make calls concerning his water and electricity. Mr Hill had looked around the house but didn't find any sort of problem so they had come to the conclusion that maybe it had been switched off. It was confirmed when he called about the water and they told him apparently his water bill was behind by atleast 3 months and they wanted the full amount before switching it on.

When he called about the electricity he talked to atleast 3 people before the last woman had again put him through because they didn't work in the department Jaftha needed. He huffed and listened to the irritating music that was placing. Like the first man that answered couldn't just quickly type the problem into his computer. While waiting he looked around the nearly empty courtyard, there were two other groups lounging across the benches placed around, some talking others finishing homework.

A static noise drew his attention away from the two boys that was pushing each other around trying to put the other in some sort of chokehold. He realised the noise had come from his phone and the music that had been playing had stopped.

"Goodafternoon, my name is Cecilia. How may I help you?" A voice on the other end said and Jaftha said a quick prayer so this woman could help him and sat upright.
"Hi,uhm morning. My electricity was switched off last night and we couldn't find a problem so I wanted to know if you could help me understand why it is off." He said.
"Alright, I will just need your address and name."
"27 Alistair road, Darten City. House belongs to my father Jonathan Acosta." Hoping it was a small problem on their end and it didn't have to do with money.
"Just a moment." The woman said and Jaftha laid his head down onto the table. So far as he knew his father's bank account had been closed pending his trail so he didn't know where he was going to get the money to pay the water bill. The money Mr Adams had paid him could probably cover a third of the bill but the money was in his account but even so he couldn't use that money because it was for his college tution next year.
"Oh,well it seems that the bill is alittle behind. It hadn't been paid in three months but the amount is very little so perhaps when it is paid, it will be switched on." Jaftha felt the hope run out of his body and frustration come back with vengeance.
"Alright thank you. How much exactly is the bill?" He asked as he took out his pen and his notepad, he wrote down the amount and thanked the woman before ending the call.

Not knowing what to do now,Jaftha just stuffed the notepad and pen back into the bag before picking the phone back up. He was going to have to call his grandparents and ask them for money but he had little hope that they were going to be able to help him. When his grandfather retired out the forsaken gang, they had taken all the money they had,placed some away for medical emergencies, took the other money and started travelling. That was almost 20 years ago, and when the money started decreasing they settled down and bought a place in Texas where they had been living for the past 10 years.

The bell rang before he could make the call and Jaftha stood up lazily as he started moving to his next class which was English. Why couldn't he had have Mr Turner for English this year? Instead he was stucked with a Dolores Umbridge impersonator. He placed the phone on silence before walking into the class and went to take his seat waiting for the class to fill up. Doing his best to ignore the looks of disdain he was getting from her he looked around the classroom, the classroom walls was painted a light pastel pink and the corners painted a darker shade of pink with white posters filled with English quotes and explainations. There was a large cupboard in the front next to the board with pictures of previous students that gave them to her. The desks were a deep brown to match the floors and the chairs.

Jaftha looked away from assessing the room when someone sat down in the chair next to his. He realised everyone was already in the class and the door had been closed. Mrs Cooper picked up the attendance book and started reading off names,skipping his even when his name was first on it. He covered his eye roll by bending down to take out his books. Could he really be Harry Potter in fifth year with Mrs Cooper as Umbridge? He snorted out a laugh and shook his head at his thoughts. She called out Olivia's name and the here came from next to him and he turned to stare at her only to realise she was already staring back at him with a confused look on her face. He wondered what she was doing next to him, she never sat next to him if it didn't have to do with a group project. He looked at her even when she gave him a small smile and turned back to the front. Olivia was a beautiful girl,she was atleast the same length as he was only the high heels she wore everyday making her taller. She had long dyed blonde hair and brown eyes, her original hair colour being black. Today she was dressed in light blue jeans,white v neck top and a black coat over it with black high heels boots.Realising he was staring he turned back to look at the front and listened to Mrs Cooper go on about the 18th literature.

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