Chapter 5

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The next day Mako and Bolin come to the air bender island . "Y/N !!!!!!! how's Korra doing " Bolin says give Y/N hug . "She's fine Bolin. She just need to be alone at the moment." "Did Amon take her bend " Mako says as he give Y/N hug as well. "Korra has her bending still, but right now I think it better not talk about to Korra " the brother look at Y/N nodding their head to an agreement. "Well, we leave you guys to rest . Tell Korra we'll be waiting "Bolin say and turn around to leave and Mako follow. "Mako?"

Mako stops and looks at Y/N "Yes , Y/N . Is something the matter." "Are you and that girl asami a thing or not . I'm just curious because she's gorgeous and if not I can try to get her myself." Y/N say winking at Mako . "And here i thought i was special and now Asami" Mako say. "Maybe i just saying to make you jealous" Y/N says to Mako. Both let out a laugh "I don't know at the moment. I like her a lot" Y/N heart sinks at the moment but continue to give Mako a smile . "Oh well you can go and tell her because she seems to like you ." Mako looks at Y/N but some reason he felt he wanted a different reaction but doesn't know what.

Y/N get close to Mako only leave barely space to him . Y/N reach up her hands up to Mako head and her face get close to his. Mako closes his face "There I got it . That leaf has been bothering me " Y/N take the leaf off of Mako head . Mako open his eye , face all red and he turn and leaves . "Bye Y/N" . "Bye, Mako" Y/n says. 

Y/N waves Mako goodbye . Mako thinks to himself why did he close his eye on the thought of Y/N getting close to him . Does he like Y/N . He shakes the thought of that. feeling that Y/N has no feelings for him . He know Y/N always make flirtatious comments with him just to tease him, but right now he has  Asami.


After few days Korra was back at the arena gym practicing with the brothers and Y/N was just their to sleep or watch them train. "You've been great  having you at so many back to back practices Korra. Even sleepy beauty over there" . Everyone look at Y/N was on the floor lay down. Korra let's out a small chuckle "Feels good to be back, Tarrlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence."

"Hey You join the fire ferrets before you joined his task force"Bolin say "OK,come on all team huddle time" they huddled . Korra and Bolin giving grins and Mako look at them confused "Ahem. It's our first match of the tournament tonight and I know the three of us haven't been a team for a very long even saw the fire ferrets have never been this good are we ready."  Y/N hears steps and wake up"Not quite You'll need these " Asami show the team the new uniform .

Y/N get off the floor and see Mako greet Asami . Part of Y/n felt sad but she goes to Korra and Bolin. Mako and Asami were commenting each other making Korra let out a silent gagging. Mako goes to team "Well teammate and Y/N . I'll see you before the match tonight . Asami and I have a lunch date"Mako and Y/N look at each other for second . Y/N turned her gaze away and Mako leave with Asami . "Do you know, we'll see you when we see you." Bolin wave bye to Mako and Asami. Korra goes to get her bag and Y/N was waiting for her to leave. "So, Korra.... There they go here we are all alone in the gym do you want to be alone people together " Y/N been noticing Bolin having a crush on Korra and think Bolin is adorable when he tries to get Korra to like him too . "I got to head back to their temple with Y/N and to train with Tenzin , See Ya." Korra joins her and Y/N the only thing she think is poor Bolin.

Mako and Bolin where at their apartment . "So.... What Do you think of Korra in a girlfriend sort a a way?" Bolin asks Mako as he washes Pabu. "She's great but I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami" Mako looks up as his cooking. "I was talking about A girlfriend for me do you some ladies for the rest of us" Bolin says almost shouting at Mako . "I know that's what I thought you meant well I don't know about seeing a great idea".

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