Book 3 Chapter 11

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"I say we make our approach from the west. Drop down from the airship on cables. Ambush these red lotus lowlifes before they know what hits them." Su says. "It'll never work. That combustion lady will pick us off one by one." Lin says to Su as Korra looks out the window. "You have a better idea how to save the airbenders?" Su says. "Yeah. We come up from the valley, scale the side of the mountain, and take them off guard." Lin says point to the map of the table for everyone to see and understand her plan. "That could work." Tonraq says. "And give them the high ground? No. If their lava bender spots us, He'll melt the mountainside and us with it." Su says. "Wait! I got it. I'll disguise myself as a lost hiker. And once I'm in the temple, I'll distract the red lotus with my bird calls." Bolin makes a bird call whistles. "Caw! Caw!" Bolin whistles again. "Caw! Caw! That's when you all strike!" Bolin says. "Bird calls? Really?" Mako says. "Well, I haven't noticed you offering any suggestions." Bolin says to Mako.

"It doesn't matter. None of these ideas will work. The second Zaheer realizes we're up to something, He'll wipe out the airbenders" Korra says. "And Opal is one of those airbenders. Believe me, I understand what's at stake." Su says. "Then I think you'll agree. The only plan that will work is for me is  to give myself up." Korra says. "What?" Mako says. "Korra, No." Lin says. "We'll figure out another way." Tonraq says. "I talked it over with Lord Zuko, and I've given it a lot of thought. I have to do this." Korra says. "You can't expect us to sit by and just let Zaheer take you." Asami says. "Asami is right, they already have Y/N. we can't lose you too." Mako says. "The world has been out of balance for far too long. It needs the air nation back again. I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love. Help me save the airbenders. Then you can worry about saving me." Korra says, everyone looks at each other and looks back at Korra. "We're with you, Korra." Tonraq says. "Yes, Whatever you need. We're here." Su says. "I'll radio Zaheer." Korra says and walks out the room.


"Zaheer, are you there? It's me." Zaheer hears Korra's voice through the radio and picks up the microphone. "I've been waiting for your call. So do we have a deal?" Zaheer says. "Yes. You release the airbenders and then I'll turn myself over." Korra says. "And take away the only leverage I have? No. I can't do that. Listen carefully. Here's what I want you to do."

Zaheer had the airbenders in a secluded room where Y/N was keeping watch of the Airbenders. "Y/N, why are you doing this? We all trusted you." Tenzin is surprised at why Y/N is on their side. He saw her basically gow up with Korra. He cared about her and couldn't believe she would join them, but seeing it with his own eyes, she is with them now. "Do I know you?" Y/N was confused by his words. Why did he seem hurt to see her with Zaheer. She doesn't even know him. "Yes, He's right. Why are you with them, Y/N" Jinora says, wondering what happened to Y/N. Y/N was annoyed that they were saying her name. "I don't recall meeting any of you all. And don't say my name, it's annoying." Y/n says. "Then what do we call you?" Jinora says. "By my code name. Your airbenders don't know the books of Avatar Aang by memory by now. I'm named after one of the spirits mentioned in the stories" Y/n says and Jinora looks at her mask and notices the design was the same as one of the spirits that she read. Y/N walks to the door and can softly hear Jinora mumble a word. "Painted Lady" hearing Jinora say that word made Y/n have a huge headache. "Ahh" They hear Y/N yell as they see her fall to her knees. "Y/N!" Tenzin shouted out of worry. "Didn't I tell you to not call me that" Y/N says and walks out the room and stands outside the door placing her hands on her head. It hurt so much for some reason. Suddenly, slowly her memory comes back to her. But with each memory returning the more the headache hurted making her try to grab the wall from pain. When the pain stopped now Y/N now knew what had happened with her and was not going to let it slide.


"Will you two sit down? I'm already tense as it is" Mako says. "I'm just worried about Opal and Pabu is not here to comfort me. I hope he and Naga are doing okay at Zaofu." Bolin says. "I know how you feel, Bolin. I'm worried about Y/N. She is with that bastard and I don't know what he's doing with her. And the whole Zaheer thing. It is too much for me. But right now we have to calm down or we might be able to get Y/n and Opal out safely." Mako says. "Yeah but we have to fight Y/N. You know that Mako '' Bolin says knowing it won't be easy to say the code word if they are too busy fighting Y/N. "Yeah I know. If fighting her is the only way to get her back. I will do it," Mako says. "And we will be right beside you," Asami says.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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