Book 3 chapter 6

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It was the next morning. Mako goes to one of the guest houses Y/N is staying in. "Y/N it's morning time to eat breakfast" Mako knocked on the door and there was no response. "Y/N" Mako continues to knock again and does not respond. "Y/N I'm coming in." Mako says and opens the door. Mako enters theroom and looks around and notices Y/N was all covered up with the blanket that only her face was sticking out the cover. Mako goes close to her and nudges her to wake. "Y/N wake up" Mako nudges her and she groans softly not wanting to wake up. "Come on. It's time to wake up" Mako says as he tries to pull the cover off of Y/N but she holds on tightly to not allow him to remove the blanket. "Y/N Wake up!" Mako says, still trying to pull the blanket. "Nooo...I dont wanna.." Y/n says still holding the blanket as tightly to her as she can.

Mako manages to overcome Y/N strength and pulls off the blanket away from Y/n and falls to the ground with the blanket. Mako gets up from the ground and pats himself down. "Finally. Y/n it's time to..." Mako says as he finally looks back to look at Y/n. Mako sees Y/n slowly sit up from her side, she is completely naked."Fine. Im Up"Y/N says as she lightly rubs her right eye. She looked at Mako and he was bright red. "What's wrong" Y/n confused "Ahh Im sorry" Mako was flustered and pulled the cover blanket. But accidently pulled the blanket that was under his feet, which made him fall backward to the ground. "Mako!" Y/N worries about him and gets off her bed and quickly goes to Mako. Mako sits up and rubs his head. "That hurt."Mako looked up to see Y/N was next to him still not dressed. He quickly gets the blanket and throws it on her. "Hey! What this for"Y/n says complete cover from the blanket. "Get dressed and I'll see you in the dining room" Mako said quickly and was gone. Y/n wonders what was wrong with him . She gets out the blanket and gets dressed. After she is done she heads to the dining room.


Y/n entered the dining room and saw Korra, Su, Asami, Bolin, Opal, and Mako sitting down. Y/N walked to the left side and sat right next to Mako. "Mako, are you okay?" Y/N says looking at Mako. "Uh.. Yeah I'm totally fine." Mako says turning red again and trying to avoid Y/N eyes. "Are you sure, you fell on the ground really hard." Y/N says. "Yeah i'm fine. Haha. I'm feeling greater than ever" Mako says and Y/N wonders why he was acting strange and suddenly the chief enters the room handing everyone their breakfast.

Everyone was enjoying their meal. "Hey, has anyone seen Chief Beifong?" Mako says. "She's probably off sulking in her room." Korra says and takes a bite of her food. "I know she has a problem with me, but she had no right to yell at Opal last night." Su says and they hear footsteps approaching them. The twins run in the room and head to the fruit basket next to Korra. "All set for your power disc game today, guys?" Su asks. "Yeah, All set to kick Wei's butt." Wing says as he was about to eat his apple and his brother tries to grab it but Wei doesn't get it from his hand. Wing takes a bite of his Apple "I'm going to power disc your face" Wei says and he punches Wing in the stomach, making him choke on his apple, Wing finally swallows it down. "You should come play with us,"Wei says to Korra. "Oh, I don't think I'd be much competition. Since I can't bend metal." Korra says. "Really? Lin never offered to train you?" Su is confused why Korra doesn't know how to bend metal. "Nope, and I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to air bend, then there was the pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting the equalists. It was a busy few months." Korra says. "Well, it's probably for the best. I'm sure Lin would be a horrible teacher." Su says and they both laugh. "As the Avatar, you should have mastery over all elements. I'd be happy to show you the basics." Su offers. "Really? That would be great." Korra says. "You should try it too." opal says to Bolin and he choke on his food for a second. "Uh, Nah, I'm more of an earth guy. The dirt, rocks, you know, Maybe some light gravel– that's kind of where my heart is." Bolin says to Opal. "Okay, earth guy. Well, let me know if you change your mind." Su says before her necklace floats up to a direction. As well any metal item. The metal items go to the entrance and hit a metal robot suit. "It worked! Zhu-Li, Mark it down. Magnet suit test successful. Power down." Varrckdays as Zhu-Li pulls a cord and all the metal items on the suit fall to the ground. "On to phase two– Zhu-Li clean up this mess." Varrick says and walks away. Zhu-Li's shoulders drop down with exhaustion. 

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