The woods 1

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Deep in the woods a little boy sat.

He was all alone covered in cuts made by the thorns and nettles covering the outdoor floor.

The little boys clothes had been torn and muddied by his time in the woods.

Crying his eyes out his mud covered hands transferred all the dirt and germs onto his face.

"Why they leave?" The one question the little boy kept asking.
"I pwomise me be good"
"let me come home please"
The hopeless words spilled out his mouth as he shivered where he sat.

The coldness was starting to set in, the sun had disappeared all to quickly and darkness was staring to cover the woods.
The barely covered child was shivering causing his tears to worsen.
Resolving as best as he could, he curled up in a ball against a large tree trunk.

Animals could be heard scurrying around avoiding the larger  predators of the night getting to their home which where safe.
The little boy was young, very young, Too young to even know what was actually in the woods nor if there was anything outside of the woods. All he knew was his mother and father his house and the car he was driven there in, he had no idea where it all went but he knew it was no more.
His brain was starting to trick him thinking that those things never existed and that he was and has been all alone his few year long life.

The little boys crying had ceased as his energy had now been drained fully leading him into a deep sleep.

-Crunch crunch crunch-
Heavy footsteps where heard headed towards the sleeping child unaware on what they might find going about their normal evening.

"Huh, now that ain't supposed to be here" a gruff voice said eyes locked on the shivering toddler, he stopped in his steps knowing that he would have to bring the boy back with him.
"So tiny" he said lifting the cold to the touch child into his chest hoping that he could at least support some warmth to go to the little boy.
The voice knew that the small child wouldn't survive if he left him there by himself if not starvation or being eaten by wild animals hypothermia would have certainly got to him, all being long and painful ways to go, that older male knew they where horrifying thoughts to think.
"Guess I'm taking you with me, absolute pain you know, at least your cute"
The large male then started walking in the direction he knew well, his house not far and with the look of the sleeping child in his arms he needed a home to stay desperately.
With the male almost at his house he started holding the boy closer showing that he wasn't a small meal for the others who lived in the house.
Once arriving to the towering mansion the male opened the door bringing the child in with him, sensing non of his brothers around he went straight to his room to let the child rest.
Sighing the older male placed the child on his bed cringing on his soon to be muddy sheets, knowing that there was no avoiding the mud and he didn't want to wake the child to wash him properly.
I mean come on the boy would freak out for one and possibly alert the other members of the house.
Luckily for the older male only one of his brothers where in so he had less of chance to get caught bringing the child in and possibly waking the child up.
Don't get him wrong, he knew he couldn't let this be a secret for long but just whilst he makes sure the child is ok and safe he will keep this to himself.

12th march 2022
642 words

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