Father 13

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After another long 4 hours the limo finally arrived at the castle.
Matsu had fallen asleep not long before they arrived and was still asleep dangling in Yuma's arms as they exit the limo.

"Ahhhhhh sons" the white haired man called out exiting the towering double doors from his castle entrance.

"Father" Ruki stated turning to face his father.

"So this is my grandson is it" the vampire king said joyfully observing the child.

"Huh?" The mutter went through the four who had no idea where that thought came from.

"You misunderstand the situation father, he isn't one of ours" Ruki explained not wanting his father to get even deeper within the wrong idea.

"Hum? Then who is he?" From what Karl had observed the child clearly belonged to one of them, he was sure of it. What other reason could there be.

"Well-" Yuma started nervous for what would happen afterwards regarding the boy.

"We should take this inside" Ruki said knowing that this would be a long explanation. Stepping forward to put the attention on him, slightly cautious of the boy.

"I suppose we should" the far older vampire stated.
The 5 made their way into the castle Yuma still holding the sleeping Matsu in his arms.
Upon arriving in a very spacious sitting room the vampire king spoke.
"Now sit down and tell me what this is all about"

After around 20 minutes

"So you want me to adopt him?" Karlheinz asked stroking his gloved finger over the small child's cheek, the smallest of smiles planted on his face.
Matsu had subconsciously started grinning in his sleep at the contact. The 5 in the room could tell he was, even behind his blue dummy.

"Well, if you can" Ruki stated, the 4 brothers were quite surprised that they hadn't needed to convince their father much to get him to agree to Matsu ,however they are grateful that Matsu isn't getting taken away from them.

By now the boy fallen even deeper into slumber, the soft stroking of his cheek and Yuma's arms bouncing the boy aided his sleep.
"Ugggyranmmmm" the boy groaned out as the finger rubbing his cheek removed itself. Matsu then turning into Yuma more, still asleep.

"You think we should wake him up?, he sure has slept a lot today" Kou asked knowing that the boy shouldn't sleep for so long.

"Hey Matsu, bud wake up" Yuma whispered lightly now bouncing the boy more out of sync as a way of waking the boy up.

"Noooo, me sweep (sleep)" the boy whined but it came out really muffled due to his dummy and him being shoved into Yuma's chest.

"A very adorable creature he is" Karlheinz spoke.

With hearing the new deep voice Matsu turned slightly too look at the new face. His stormy grey eyes still almost entirely closed, but from what he can see is white, very white.

"Maaaaaaaaaaaaa" Matsu whined turning back into Yuma.

"Nope little neko you gotta wake up" Kou giggled seeing the adorable boy being fussy.

"For once he's right bud" Yuma said now removing the dummy from Matsu's mouth.

"Nooo umaaaaaaa (Yuma)" Matsu had full on woken up feeling his dummy be taken away from him.

"You've slept enough today, anymore you won't sleep later and that would be bad" yuma said, this wasn't Matsu being fussy compared to what he's seen the boy to be especially when he didn't want a nap.

"My my very adorable, fussy but adorable"
Matsu turned back to the new person rubbing his eyes slightly.

"Now what's your name little one?" Karlheinz already knew the child's name but wanted to use this as a ploy to get the boy to talk to him.

Matsu had his mouth open slightly in an O shape just looking at the new person.

"You gotta answer him bud" Yuma said wanting the boy to reply to the question.

"Me Matsu" he said in his squeaky voice still just staring very confused on who this new person is.

"Now that's a cute name" the new man to the boy said .

"Yuma give it me" Matsu replied as cutely as possible, cuddling into Yuma's arms more.

"Did he now that was nice of him" Karlheinz was just happy that the boy was talking to him openly.

"Mmmhhhmmm"Matsu nodded still not wavering his eyes from the man in front of him.

"Now I may as well introduce myself to you little one" Karlheinz said smiling towards the cute boy.
"I'm going to be your dad"
Matsu tilted his head at this confused.

"Dada?" He asked in his little confused tone.
"Exactly little one"
Matsu recognised that name, he couldn't remember much but it did sound familiar to him.

"That okay bud?"Yuma asked, Matsu only looked up at Yuma bumbling incoherent words then turning back to his new 'dada?'. For some reason Matsu wanted his new dada to hold him, very unlike how he normally is only wanting Yuma to hold him(or well now some of the others as well, just not as much).

Karlheinz sensing that the boy wanted to touch him stood from his seat taking a few steps forward to the baby, then lifting him out of Yuma's arms.
By this action the 4 brothers stiffened, Matsu throughout the few weeks he's been living with them has been known to fit and cry when he was taken from Yuma. However contradicting their worried Matsu clutched onto Karlheinz's jacket just staring at his new 'dada'.

Karlheinz sat back at chair bouncing his lap to make the boy happy.
"You my dada?" The tiny human asked.

"Yes I'm your dada, I'm also all your brothers dada too" he said motioning to the four sat on the sofa across from them.

"Huh, you Yuma's dada"
"Yes little one"

"And wukis dada"
"Of course"

"And kooooooo's dada too"
Kou was practically squealing that the boy knew his name pretty much.

"Awso azuphas (also Azusa's)" as soon as that left Matsu's mouth small chuckles circulated the vampires in the room.
"Yes even Azusa's"

"Woahhhhh, me tooo" matsu said excitedly pointing to himself.
"Yes your dada too"

The brothers where all sat back watching their father and new brother communicate so easily. It really made then smile seeing the boy who once didn't talk or even look at the others only Yuma being so open with his new father. They knew that they made Matsu feel as comfortable ,as he should be able to when talking to people, they were able to take him out from his guarded shell into a sense of comfort and become a member of their family.

A new little Mukami.

23 May 2022
1122 words

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