Gardneing with a new friend 29

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"Ooo oke?" Matsu bluntly asked the albino who was sat outside. Matsu was just chilling wandering around finding something to do, he had been outside gardening with Yuma earlier in the day but Ruki had stolen Yuma off to do something leaving Matsu to play with some of his toys inside. Matsu quickly got bored of playing by himself and started to wander around. Matsu knew he wasn't aloud outside alone, however he found that the door was open. Completely disregarding his brothers rules on going outside Matsu trotted on stepping outside into the garden only to see one of the new people sat on a patch of grass outside leading to Matsu asking that question.

"Huh?" Subaru turned his head around to see the tiny toddler stood looking like a highlighter.

"Ooo oke?" Matsu repeated in the same monotone voice as before.

"Um yeah I'm fine" Subaru disregarded trying to go back to doing nothing turning back around.

"Ooo look sad, no good" Matsu pointed out smartly tilting his adorable head.

"It's nothing" Subaru muttered just wanting the child to go away.

"Me wan now (know)" Matsu demanded getting on his knees and sitting down right next to the male. Matsu had seen him at breakfast, but he didn't talk to the small boy and just ate silently. Well most of them ate silently, unlike Matsu's brothers who where constantly talking to each other and Matsu.

"Tch you're not going to leave me alone are you" Subaru said forcefully trying not to get worked up about a child annoying him.

"No" Matsu answered shaking his head to mimic his answer. "me make oo appy (happy)" explained sweetly.

"You can't make everyone happy in the world" Subaru tried to warn the boy not wanting him to get too upset when he inevitably finds out.

"Me wan hewp ooo" Matsu said tugging the olders arm desperately wanting his attention.
Matsu had toddled holding onto Subarus hand over to an empty raised planter. The planter on the side had in letters 'Matsu's little garden'.
"We pwant hewe" Matsu said determinedly, "howd on"

Matsu dropped Subarus hand and quickly walked over to a shed and tried to reach up to open it. However as we all know Matsu is a tiny excuse for a human and couldn't reach the handle to open it.

"Subwoo hewp" Matsu called out turning to his new friend. Subaru quickly walked over to help the tot and open the door, leading to Matsu walking in and grabbing a small box.

With the box Matsu reached up to give it to Subaru saying "ooo name, us pwant". The box was full of letters, the same used to spell out Matsu's sign.

"You sure?"

"Mmmmhhhhmmmm" Matsu hummed out nodding a big smile growing on his face. Running back into the shed Matsu pulled out another box but this one was open and full of packed seeds. Subaru was picking out the letters for his name whist Matsu walked back and forth from the empty bed to the shed, the boy taking different things each times.
Just as Subaru had picked out all the letters he needed Matsu had made his final trip now just stood by the planter.

In the soil filled planter Matsu had put two tiny sized trowels a tiny sized watering can and a tiny pair of gardening gloves that Yuma had bought for him a while back so that Matsu can help out more easily in the garden. He had also brought out the box of seeds and a larger pair of gloves.

"Ooo put name thewe" Matsu said taking charge of the older vampire and pointing to his sign that he initially made with Yuma.

After a few minutes later the edited sign was completed
'Matsu's and Subaru's little garden' Matsu started giggling at the now bigger sign. Yes Matsu can't read but he knew that it had his new friends name on it.

"Now wut we pwantin?" Matsu asked stuffing his chubby fingers into the box pulling out and looking at some packets of seeds not knowing or caring what they were, all he was looking at where the pictures.

"You got any flowers in there?" Subaru asked finding them more interesting and enjoyable to plant.

"Yesss"Matsu hissed out removing his hand from the box and passing it over to his new friend.
Subaru delicately filed threw the seeds picking out a few packets of flowers that he wanted to plant.

"Do you want to pick any out?" He asked the tiny boy who was staring up at him.

"No we pwant does (those) togever" the child said pointing to the seeds.
"Just these?"

"Mmmhmmm dust (just) does (those)" Matsu said showcasing his cute smile, Matsu didn't want to have too many things in his little garden, "we pwant now"
Pouring water over the freshly planted flower seeds Matsu and Subaru had successfully planted all the seeds that they wanted to plant. Subaru had learned that the child who has befriended him wasn't awfully annoying. And honestly found Matsu to be very caring and cute.

"Awl done" Matsu said stepping back a few baby steps getting a distance from the planter admiring his little garden. Subaru had removed his gloves and helped Matsu remove his, leaving them on the wall of the planter. Subaru had to constantly refill the watering can due to its tiny size, and he felt bad asking the child where the other ones were. So he just used the child sized one.

"So what now?"Subaru asked the child not knowing what he was into doing.

"Me no no, me inside. Bye bye subwoo" Matsu said walking back towards the doors inside ditching his new friend.

Upon arriving back inside the still open door Matsu was met to a quiet house. Now that the new bunch had moved in Matsu had noticed that it was either silent as it usually was or there'd be loads of yelling and shouting, which Matsu wasn't fond of. The poor baby had to cover his sensitive ears when the yelling stared, if he was lucky ones of his brothers would find him and save him. And yes this had already happened even with them not even living in the same house for 24 hours, poor baby Matsu.

Wandering into the hallway Matsu decided that he wanted to find one of his brothers to bug.

Walking into the room he found it empty, as he was going to leave a voice called out to him.
"Matsu come here" recognising the voice Matsu walked further into the room to find that it wasn't empty.
Lying on one of the sofas is Matsu blond friend seemingly sleeping.

"Suuuuuu" Matsu called out running over a big smile invading his face. To the older in the room it was nice to have someone so happy to see him without having some backhand intentions. Shu had noticed the baby stumble in the room and remembers how cute Matsu was when he was asleep.

Actually being bothered to move Shu sat up and lifted the boy onto his lap.
"Nap time" he stated lying down bringing Matsu with him.

"Wat no suuuuu" Matsu argued really wanting to play with some of his toys.

"What his I tell you about naps"Shu reminded the boy. Shu also taking Matsu's bright pink and white jacket off to make the baby more comfortable, Matsu helping him by not fighting back.

"Big boys hav dem" Matsu said thinking back to their conversation.

"You're a big boy aren't you?" Shu asked out wanting his cuddle buddy to go to sleep.

"Mmmhmmm" Matsu nodded.

"Do you want your shorts on or off?" Shu asked as he knew from before that Matsu normally slept in just his nappy and a top.

"Offff pease" Matsu said not wanting to keep them on, Matsu would just prefer to not wear them at all but he knew it would make his big brothers upset."Tankoo" he mumbled after they had been taken off. Cuddling into Shu Matsu mumbled out,

"Ni ni suu" Matsu said accepting that he was going to fall asleep. Shu noticing the dummy clipped onto Matsu's top pushed the soother into the boys mouth relaxing him more.

"Have a nice nap Matsu" and Matsu was out. Shu had removed his cardigan earlier and was left in his long sleeved top. Picking his cardigan up he draped it over Matsu as a blanket to keep the boy warm. Then relaxing back and falling asleep himself.

20th September 2022
1439 words

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