Playing with my new dada 14

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Matsu was rambling some nonsense to his new dada, he himself not knowing what he was saying. They were both still sat on the sofa Matsu in Karlheinz's lap telling him anything that comes to mind.

"Blue biwd fwies outsiwed(blue bird flies outside)" Matsu said pointing to a bird that flew past chirping, making the others in the room turn to the large window.

"They do don't they?" He chucked at his new sons adorableness, a smile planted on his face at the sight of the tiny baby boy in his lap. Karl found the child absolutely adorable and personally he didn't mind adopting him, reason being that this was more for his adopted children ,and the main reason for calling his sons here could also be used to ensure that his will is carried out. He also knew that the child would be living with them so he wouldn't have to fully go out of the way to take care of him, however after the few minutes of knowing the boy Karlheinz was already making non malicious plans to spend time with his new youngest son.

"Yeah they fwie all ovew (they fly all over)" he was brought back to the tiny excuse of a human hearing his squeaky voice adoringly focused on the small animal. The tiny boy was adorable however the vampire king still had one thought lingering in his mind, that revolving around wether to leave Matsu as a human for a while or turn him vampire as soon as possible.

"They do, now how about we play with some of your toys. I'm sure your brothers should have brought a few" Karlheinz spoke bringing the boy on his lap closer. The boy just looked curiously towards his new brothers not knowing what he had, this wasn't his house he didn't pack his bag the boy had no clue what he brung.

"Yeah little neko we brought all sorts for you to play with" Kou said bringing out a backpack, this backpack was full of stuff the 4 thought that the boy would be playing with on the entire journey here. However contrary to their thoughts the boy just slept, slept through the entire journey. Matsu was known to be a sleepy baby, some of the brothers thought nothing of it however Kou in particular was slightly alarmed by the boys constant tiredness.

"We need pway(we need play)" matsu demanded pointing his coin sized finger up. He was trying to sound as intimidating as possible really wanting to play with his toys as soon as possible.
"We need to Huh?" The king questioned smirking slightly to the boldness of the child in his arms, Matsu had no idea who this man really was nor the influence he had over other people all he wanted to do was play. This in itself was amusing the the oldest in the room, to have someone with the balls to demand something from him. Alas he had to let the boy off his youth,lack of knowledge and adorable attitude where main factors for that.

"Mmmmm" Matsu replied nodding pursing this lips out as a way to prove his point more.

"We can play for a little bit but then we need to get you your dinner" it has been a while since Karlheinz had to look after a child and he was slightly exited to have this opportunity to have another young child to be added to his family. This child he had already decided wouldn't be within any of his plans mainly to the fact of how young the child is and that his plans are setting in motion as they speak.

"And you need a bath" Yuma commented knowing that the boy needed one and hadn't had one in a few days. Matsu was so-so with baths, sometimes he enjoyed them whilst other times he hated them especially when he was playing. Knowing this Yuma had asked Ruki to pick up some bath toys thinking that they may able to convince the boy more so into taking a bath. The only fear going forward is that they won't be able to get him out of the bath.

"Nawwwwwwwwwwww" Matsu whined pouting not happy that he won't get to play more, setting in how he doesn't like baths that much.

"Hey hey we've still got ages to play" Karlheinz said bouncing the boy slightly bringing the attention back on him.

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