Babbling 10

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Yumas pov

"Uuma" a squeaky voice called out

"Yumaaa" it staid again


"Faphhhhhhhhh" the voice now spat out spraying slobber all over my face, which wakes me up more that his previous attempts.

I opened one of my eyes to see Matsu's face right in front of mine drooling slightly, his last attempt to wake me up consisted of spitting all over me leaving his lips to be pursed.

"Wake upppp" he said is his high pitch voice not noticing that I was already awake.

"Mmmm Matsu? what's wrong?" I asked very tired. 

"You go sweep, we need go plway" the boy demanded trying to seem intimidating.

Rubbing my eyes slightly with the back of my hand I sit up a bit to see Matsu sat on my chest looking straight up at me.

"I guess I did huh, what time is it?" I say yawning knowing that the boy wouldn't know.

"Pway time" Matsu said kinda cutely raising both his arms wide above his head, not knowing what I was actually asking.

"You wanna play?" I asked already knowing his simple response. kicking my legs over the side of my bed he slid down from my chest into my lap causing cute giggles to come from his mouth and I guess some laughs from mine.

I then went and picked him up then proceeded to leave my room with Matsu dangling in my arm just looking around.
"What do you wanna play bud?" I ask 'he's not got tons of toy luckily he ain't bored much when we play with them'

"Umm we pway blocks"

"Blocks huh, what should we build today then?" The blocks are one of Matsu's favourite things to play with. He always has so much fun building stuff then even more happy when he destroys them.

"Big towew (tower)"he replies in his excited tone but this does worry me a bit. Matsu is known to be quite destructive and building a tower I know he's going to knock down and possibly hurt him which is a problem.

"A big tower, ya sure you don't want to build a big castle or how about a farm Ruki did get you some animals that we could use" I try to negotiate not wanting him to get hurt.

"Fawmm?" He looks up at me confused.

"Yeah bud I'll help you make one" at least he's willing to make something that hopefully won't hurt him.

"A big fawm" he clarified.

"Yeah a big one okay, now let's find somewhere that we can build it un disturbed"

"Mkay yuumaa"

Kou was still lounging around in the main room Matsu is normally in so I decided that we could into go to one side rooms that nobody really goes too, 'don't think anyone will come in here unless they're looking for us'

"This'll do". We don't really bother with this room much it's just there for no reason. It was smaller than our main living room but still has enough room for me and Matsu to play. The room only has two sofas and a window 'don't think he can hurt himself in here' we had baby proofed the entire house a few days after Matsu arrived just as a precaution.

"Now" I say placing him down, "you gunna be okay whilst I go get the toys so we can play?" I ask with an eyebrow raised knowing that I have to make sure he's okay and knows that I will return .however I do also know that he will try to come with me instead and I can't let him always tag along, that kinda does really upset me. His face is always really sad and you can see the hurt in his eyes, but he does need to learn and understand that I'm always going to come back, for him.

No pov

Matsu went wide eyed at Yuma's question and he then hastily shook his head 'it no fun wit no Yuma' the boy thinks not wanting to be left alone to play again.
"Hey I promise I'll be back in a minute, you can wait that long can't you?" Yuma asks softly trying to make the boy not freak out as much.

Yumas pov

"Yuma stay" he said simply grabbing on to the end of my pant leg in a much deeper tone. This does hurt a lot inside knowing that this boy was still so scared without me being there with him.

"Hey" I say squatting down to reach his eyesight. "I promise I'll be back as soon as possible, you're going to have to be a brave boy and stay here okay" I say looking at the boy in a very comforting tone which with his eyes I can see he's slightly confused, "now whilst your here there's a very big job I think you might be able to do for me" I really hope that engaging him like this will work I know it has in the past.

"What Yuma?"Matsu asks me and I think he's leaning into this idea.
"I need you to guard this room for us, making sure that nobody tries to steal it from us. You think you can do that bud?" The odds of one of the others coming in here was pretty much zero but this might be a way that Matsu can start trusting me to return more. He's fine if someone is with him but from what I've heard mainly from Ruki that he is always looking towards the door or asking about me every half hour or so.

"Yeah" he said cutely making the most determined face I've ever seen from him.

"You sure? this is a very big job" I really want to make him feel confident and this seems to be working.

"Me suwe (sure)" he said cutely. Now i think that he should be okay and not freak out with me not being here for the moment.
I then made my way out of the room giving one more look to the boy seeing him smiling determinedly with both of his fists clenched practically daring someone to come in, this making a light chuckle come from me.

"Oh hi yuma-kun, huh wait where's Matsu" Kou asked me in his stupid cheery voice when I entered the sitting room.
"Tch he's fine, just came to get summit" I say making my way over to the corner where we store all the toys we've got for Matsu. So far there aren't many toys for him but he does play with them all a lot.
I grabbed the tub of blocks and a smaller packet that had just been bought full of animal toys that they knew the child would like.

"Awwwww are you to playing together without me?" Kou whines out leaning forward ,which is very annoying.
"Yeah he likes playing with me, he doesn't like you much cos for one you treat him like a cat and two you aren't fun in his eyes" I say smirking slightly bragging to my brother.
I could see Kou's eyes narrow slightly, "just you wait, he'll love me the most in a bit ,you just wait and see" Kou said huffing falling back into the sofa annoyed as I went to leave after now having the toys.

Opening the room I left Matsu in I see him still in the same exact spot I left him with the same expression plastered on his face, well that was till he noticed me.
"Yumaaa me did itttt , me psotectd (protected) da woom(room)" he said so happily and clearly proud of himself. He stood up and waddled close to me.

"Yeah you did, such a good job" I know that I need to show a lot of praise and this may be the start of progress. Ruki had explained things I should start doing to make sure he does feel safe even if I'm not there. Placing the boxes down i go and sit next to him petting his head bringing him into my arms.

"You did it all by yourself" I say, Matsu has started fully cuddling into me at this point. I lifted him up so he wasn't standing and placed him in my lap so it would be easier for him.

"Yuma we pway now" he demanded after a minute or so of him cuddling me.

"Alright we can play" I reply turning him round in my lap towards the blocks.

20th April 2022
1424 words

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