Showdown. 8

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Chapter 8

"Can I get some water?" Greg asked the barkeeper. He sat alone keeping his guard up just in case this flops. He kept a close eye on the guests to be sure nothing is odd or out of the ordinary.

"Hey," Greg shook, startled by Tina's call. He turned to his left and was stunned by her appearance. He stood from his chair slowly while keeping his eyes on her. "You look, beautiful." She grinned and signaled the barkeeper for two drinks. "Drink with me." She said sitting next to him. Greg came back to reality and shook his head. "Um...sure. But I'm more of a water guy." He sat by her nervously looking over the bar station. "Come on. Just a little. One glass, just one glass." She assured holding up a glass of vodka. "Um, yeah. Sure." He took the glass and forced in the drink. The expression on his face was unpleasant. The pungent taste of the vodka scrunched his nose. Greg couldn't really hold his liquor like Tom. After three shots he was done. He would get drunk if he took a forth shot. But in knowing that he took only one drink tonight.

"Tina?" Greg said after a minute of silence. "Yes?" Tina said glad he had something to say other than, mmhm.
"Are you okay?" Noone had asked if she was okay today, so hearing it made her feel happy for some reason. She knew there was lots of risks with this but she had to bet on it, and do everything to make the plan succeed. As the plan was already indisputable.

"To be honest. I'm kinda scared. Many people are counting on Samuel and his people submitting to me tonight, and if that fails, Jerome gets set free, María is put in danger and I lose everything. That's what scares me." She drunk the vodka and ordered for another shot. Unlike Greg, she on the other hand could hold in her liquor. Greg, astonished by her drinking talent, smiled then continued, "Don't worry. You're one of the toughest people I know, so I'm sure you can do it. Since we are being honest here...I wasn't in favour of the whole plan. Speaking with the Samuel sounded like a big risk and I didn't want to bet on it, but that's not what I'm betting on now. I'm betting all on you." He smiled feeling a little more confident to speak with her. Tina grinned and excused herself from Greg to find Hernandez. "Remember to save me a dance later, okay?" He nodded.

Even if both of them refused to admit it, it was obvious. Greg had to apprehend Tina after this was over. He was doing this to find the person behind the bombing incident. Arrest them if he got the chance. But he also had a duty to arrest Tina and María.

Tom went upstairs to the balcony. He breathe in the fresh air then took out a cigarette as his eyes gazed at the moonlight. He searched himself for the lighter and located it in his back pocket.

"Tom," he hid the cigarette and lighter when he heard his name. "Yeah?" he turned and froze to take in the view. "Wow." He said, jaw dropping. María in a fitting peach dress with a slit cut at the bottom side of the dress, exposing her legs from her thigh down. Her dress was an off shoulder's dress which also exposed her shoulders and a little of her...chest. The curvature of her body mesmerized him even more. Her hair was blonde and was lifted into a bun. But if you looked closer the multi colours could still be seen.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked walking toward him with an angry expression on her face. "Let me explain-" he got interrupted by her hand hitting him in the face. "Why would you give Tina this ridiculous idea of speaking to Samuel?" She was furious and it was expected. Another reason why Tom came up here was to avoid confronting her. "I may not know this Samuel guy, but this could work. Tina is one of the toughest people I know. She can do this. Just trust her." He said hoping she doesn't hit him again.

"I trust her of course. But you don't know Samuel like I do. He's a ruthless and a cruel man with no regrets. He would do anything for money and he doesn't care how he has to get it." She was furious to the extent that Tom could see her veins popping out off her forehead. She held up her index finger as a warning that if this doesn't work he would have to answer to her. And he didn't want to answer to her.

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