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Welcome to Isla Nublar, Campers.

The Camp Cretaceous officially opened its doors.

Now you can experience a unique event in your life, dinosaurs everywhere, live with them and feel the fauna of the island.

What I want to show you is about each and every one of the species of Isla Nublar.

We have a lot of prehistoric creatures in the park, a lot of carnivorous dinosaurs, a lot of herbivorous dinosaurs, even sea and flying creatures, and why not we also have some of the animals that lived long before the dinosaurs, and even Cenozoic animals.

And one thing before we start...

Don't get in trouble with dinosaurs, especially herbivores, they can get very stressed when they feel threatened.

And what about carnivores... 

Don't try to make them angry, or you'll be their next dinner.

I hope you enjoy this experience with us at...


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