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This way of classifying the Prehistoric Creatures is the most important to ensure the animals of the park, in order to have a better control of all the species that exist throughout the island.

The Classification of Aggressiveness can be somewhat complex for people who do not understand how animal behavior works.

But it is easy to understand if you are an expert in biology or if you can understand how an animal behaves.

Here we show you the list of the levels of aggressiveness of the species of the Nublar Island, from the most harmless level to the most aggressive level of an animal:

1. ⚪ Neutral

2. 🔵 Calm

3. 🟢 Passive

4. 🟡 Hostile

5. 🟤 Territorial

6. 🟠 Aggressive

7. 🔴 Super Aggressive

8. 🟣 Mega Aggressive

9. ⚫ Killer Instincts



The "Neutral" classification is a very little known classification, since it is the classification that demonstrates the state of research of animal behavior, in itself, this classification is only assigned to animals that still need to be reviewed.

This classification is the least common of all, since most of the animals in the Nublar island do not have this affirmed classification.

🔵 Calm

The "Calm" classification is one of the most common in small herbivores, this classification is assigned to creatures that do not pose any danger to anyone, since they are among the most relaxed in the park.

This classification is very common in medium and small herbivores, although it has already been assigned to other animals, such as carnivores or other types of animals.

🟢 Passive

The "Passive" classification is one of the most common, this classification is assigned to large animals, such as a large sauropod, or a fearsome ceratopsian, the vast majority of animals assigned with this classification are not very dangerous, but already There were reports of attacks by these animals assigned with this classification, this classification is the most up-to-date, due to reports of attacks on park personnel.

This classification is common between large herbivores and very few carnivores, it is mostly recommended not to get too close to the creatures, much less try to bother them, these animals are the ones that are most stressed.

🟡 Hostile

The "Hostile" classification is one of the most common in predators and carnivorous animals, this classification is one of the most assured, although they are not the most aggressive, they are usually the most dangerous, on occasions they are usually calm, but From one second to another they become aggressive and try to attack the park staff.

This classification is one of the most common in predators, but cases of herbivorous animals have already been reported, it is recommended not to approach these creatures.

🟤 Territorial

The "Territorial" classification is a very strict one in case of security, since this is very common in herbivorous and carnivorous animals, there have already been reports of animals attacking personnel for no reason, but this is because these animals do not like the intervention of other species in their territory. It has been declared that these animals attack whatever and whoever they are territorial animals, most of these animals are among the most dangerous.

This classification is common in carnivores and herbivores, it is recommended not to be in sight of these animals they can already feel stalked or threatened, and that can stress them a lot.

🟠 Aggressive

The "Aggressive" classification is one of the most common in predators and carnivores, these animals are quite dangerous, attacks on staff by these animals have been reported and sometimes they even caused the death of a park employee, mostly they are medium and large carnivores that are classified as aggressive.

This classification is used more carnivores and very few herbivores, it is recommended not to be in sight of these animals, since they could feel uncomfortable with a presence that they do not like.

🔴 Super Aggressive

The "Super Aggressive" classification is one of the rarest in the animals of Nublar Island, since there are few animals that have this classification, there are reports of these creatures attacking staff intensely, causing the death of some employees.

This classification is assigned to carnivorous and herbivorous animals alike, since there were cases in almost all species classifications, it is recommended not to alter any of these animals.

🟣 Mega Aggressive

The "Mega Aggressive" classification is one of the safest in the park, and one of which very few creatures are assigned, one of these creatures are dangerous to any, as they are the most dangerous, they even try to kill any living being.

This classification is assigned to carnivores as herbivores, it is recommended not to be in contact with these creatures, they are usually very uncontrollable.

Killer Instincts

The classification of "Killer Instincts" is the highest security in the entire park, the vast majority of these animals are among the most unstable, there have been reports of these creatures attacking any living being that crosses their path, they are very unstable, and always trying to escape from their containment cages.

This classification is assigned to any creature, such as carnivores and herbivores, but there are very few animals with this classification, most of these animals are not exposed to the public due to their level of aggressiveness, these species are not prepared for exhibition in the park , so they keep them classified and away from the public.

Apparently, you already know how to classify the Jurassic World creatures, you should always make sure what animal it is, because it is not known if it is peaceful or aggressive, stay alert from any animal.

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