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Name Meaning: Brave Reptile.

Period: Middle Cretaceous (approximately 110 million years).

Length: Between 7 to 8,3 meters.

Height: 3 meters.

Weight: Between 2,2 to 4  tons.

Diet: Herbivore.

Ouranosaurus nigeriensis is the only known species of the hadrosauroid iguanodontian dinosaur genus, which lived in the mid-Cretaceous period, approximately 110 million years ago during the Aptiense, in what is now Africa.

Ouranosaurus was a quadrupedal, bipedal herbivore that measured about 7 meters in length, and weighed 4 tons. American paleontologist Gregory S. Paul suggested a lighter weight of 2.2 tons in 2010 because, although it was given a longer length of 8.3 meters. Bertozzo et al. suggested in 2017 that the holotype and paratype specimens belonged to subadults, although they would have been close to adult size.

The variation between sizes fits within the range of variation between adult Iguanodon individuals, so there is a possibility that the largest holotype and the smallest paratype have the same ontogenetic stage.

Despite being herbivorous, it had dimensions very well adapted to fight with others of its kind or defend itself against predators.

It was a very characteristic dinosaur for having a very curious spine or dorsal sail forming its characteristic hump, it is believed that it could live in herds.

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Length: Between 7 to 7,5 meters.

Height: 3,5 meters.

Weight: 3 tons.

Diet: Herbivore.

Aggressivenness: 🟡 Hostile.

Ouranosaurus was recreated by InGen for Jurassic World on Isla Nublar. Several members of the species remained alive on the island after enough specimens were cloned for their excivition in the "Gentle Giants" and "The Valley of the Gallimimus" attractions.

Ouranosaurus is a very social animal that can live in a herd with up to twelve individuals and twenty dinosaurs of different species. It cannot live without a couple of specimens, this species is usually very social with other individuals

The Ouranosaurus is a very calm animal because it is easy to control and because it is harmless with creatures smaller than its size, but... Why do we classify it as "Hostile"?

This is due to the fact that a large part of this species was exposed to the presence of an attack by Majungasaurus who had escaped, this caused a specimen of Ouranosaurus to start fighting with the Majungasaurus, causing the latter to have an internal bleeding that almost It kills him, from that moment, all the Ouranosaurus specimens began to worry more about the species with which they live, they even distanced themselves from the smallest herbivores and felt threatened with each specimen of another species.

There was even an incident in which an adult specimen of Ouranosaurus got into a fight with a young specimen of Edmontosaurus, this caused the young specimen to be seriously injured, causing a fracture in one of its legs, the Ouranosaurus specimen that caused this moved to a quarantine enclosure to avoid more problems of coexistence with other species.


An Ouranosaurus specimen caused the death of an adult Gallimimus specimen, due to the stress of the Ouranosaurus specimen. Attempts were made to control both specimens, but due to difficulties in containing both specimens, they ended in a brief fight resulting in the death of Gallimimus, it has been planned to move to the Ouranosaurus specimens due to this incident.

In Jurassic World, the Ouranosaurus is one of the most curious dinosaurs in the park, due to its curious anatomy in cloned specimens, currently having 7 cloned specimens, which have characteristics very similar to their real counterparts, and with other distinctive but almost identical characteristics to reality.

As a first fact, the Ouranosaurus is very similar to its real counterpart, but with some characteristics that make it look different from each other, for example... the cloned specimens of Ouranosaurus have dimensions between 7 to 7,5 meters long, 3,5 meters tall and weighing 3 tons, and its real counterpart had dimensions between 7 to 8,3 meters long, a height of 3 meters and weighing between 2,2 to 4 tons. Knowing this, the difference is very noticeable, the cloned specimens have a very considerable size, while their real counterpart had more varied estimates.

A fact that many overlook is about its strength, despite the fact that the Ouranosaurus is not a very strong dinosaur, the cloned specimens show the opposite, they are estimated to have a very high strength (currently being updated) that it is possible that they can fight with dinosaurs bigger than them, we do not want to check this force in other dinosaurs, we do not want coexistence problems or a possible incident.

The Ouranosaurus in Jurassic World is one of the dinosaurs with the most characteristics similar to its real counterpart, being behind a few dinosaurs, such as being a few places behind the Diabloceratops, itself, one of the dinosaurs with purest DNA samples of JurassicWorld.

A curious fact about a specimen of this species, was about a joben specimen that would show other types of characteristics very different from the already cloned specimens, unfortunately the mentioned specimen could not survive and adapt to its environment, causing its death, it is estimated that this specimen could have reached a size of 9 meters in length, a height of 4 meters and a weight of between 3.5 to 4.2 tons, but as I already mentioned, the specimen could not reach maturity and unfortunately died.

Apparently, you already know the Ouranosaurus in Jurassic World, now here I leave you a detailed image of this species:

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