Chapter 7

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A month goes by filled with torture starvation and dehydration. Y/N is scarred all over from burns and cuts and lost a bunch of weight due to the horrible food they fed and how little they gave.

Y/N finally broke from the pain they were inflicting and told them the few of secrets she knew. Her mind was wiped as best as Hydra could, making Y/N their toy, a killing toy.

Y/N couldn't remember anything. Her mind was blank until she was told to do something. She thought what she was doing right. Though she hasn't gone on any missions yet.

She would be put in a room with multiple people and instructed to kill them with her powers. She would throw them against the walls and roof. Tears rolling down her face like part of her knew what she was doing is wrong.


Tony kicks a table in his lab after finding another dead end to finding Y/N. he curses loudly before throwing himself back into his chair at the desk.

Steve comes through the door of the lab slowly to check on Tony. He hasn't been sleeping enough and everyone knows it. He doesn't eat enough and doesn't drink enough. Tony's only has one priority right now, find Y/N.

"Tony? How are you?" Steve asks. Walking over to him.

"How do you think Steve. Y/N has been gone for a month and we have nothing about where she is." Tony snaps standing up to face him, the smell of alcohol in his breath.

"I'm sorry, Tony. But you need get something to eat and sleep for a while after. You've been up for 60 hours straight." Steve says cautiously.

Tony sighs "I know. I just need to find Y/N." he says as his eyes tear up. Under his eyes are large black marks indicating his tiredness.

Steve just walks up to Tony and pulls him in to his chest. Steve hugs Tony comforting him and Tony's arms wrap around Steve. They stay there for a while just comforting each other. It isn't a common thing to catch the two heroes hugging.


Two men barge into Y/N's cell waking her up. They each grab an arm and drag her down the hall to another room.

In the room waited a different man in a suit. She comes and stands by the suited man. "It's time for your first mission." Y/N only nods before being dragged into a helicopter.

The helicopter ride isn't long before it lands in a small resort town. Y/N's mission is to wipe the town off the map. Kill everyone.

They let her off to do her thing and she starts working. Sending orbs of her magic into the houses causing them to collapse. She throws people dozens of feet into the air letting them fall to their death. Her blank conscious is filled with the screams of terror of the innocent people around her.

20 minutes later and many deaths later her mission is over and successful. Hydra quickly gets her back on the helicopter before rushing back "home".


The plane driven by Natasha rushes to the town under attack, hoping to getting there fast enough to save it.

They got there only to see that there was nothing to save, it was all gone. Bloodied and beaten corpses littered the burning town, "Damn it!" Tony curses seeing the dead that surrounds them. "How didn't we get here in time."

"It's okay Tony." Natasha says sadly, trying to comfort him, " we can't save everyone."


Y/N is thrown back into her cell with a cup of water and a stale piece of bread. Even that was a lot for a day.

After she eats, the same man from the room before her mission, came into her cell and closed the door behind him. "Good job in your mission today. We can see that you are ready for more extensive ones." He says. Y/N just watches while he talks scared to say anything.

"Your next mission is tomorrow." he finishes before walking out without another word. Y/N was left alone again. A few rocks were kicked into her cell left to be played with. She uses her magic to flout them over to her. They just bob in the air in front of her with her red magic laced around them.

She grabs them and moves to the closest wall and makes a simple line one the wall marking the first day of counting she is in her cell for. She sits back down and stares into a dark corner of a room, waiting for someone to get her for the next mission she has to push through.


The avengers are sitting around a large table in a confrence room talking about the latest attack on the small town. "We should calculate the next couple of possible Hydra attacks. This one was in Germany, there might be more infomation about Y/N there." Steve explains to everyone.

"Bruce and I with do somemore research in Germany-" Tony says patting Bruce on the shoulder.

"No," Natasha cuts off Tony. "You are going to sleep for a while. You need sleep because you've been up for multiple days." she continues. "Thats not healthy, and we need you alive to save Y/N."

"I agree." Rhodey says.

"Stop taking sides Rhodes. You should be on my side." Tony says with an annoyed voice, confusing Rhodey.

Tony stands up and goes back to his lab, going againest his friends ideas of sleep. Tony does grab a crossiant from the kichen before at least.

To anyone who even reads my stories sorry I haven't been writing much. I'm still not doing the best mentally and just trying to get my shit together.

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