Chapter 13

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Tony and Y/N both go to bed after the eventful night. The morning after everyone meets in the common room for breakfast, the night before, Tony and Y/N had gone around the tower finding everyone telling them about the amazing news, they even had to wake a few.

Everyone is in a good mood chatting and laughing all through breakfast. The sky is a bright shade of blue with little clouds scattered around. Clint had made waffles for the special occasion. "Tony, do you want me to become your assistant again, like before Hydra?" Y/N asks putting some food in her mouth "Or do I have to go job hunting?"

"You don't need any type of job, Honey. You're an avenger now." Tony sasses and everyone nods with him.

"You have your powers but most of all you're a friend to all of us. You were practically part of the team before anyways." Natasha says who sits beside her.

"Thanks guys, I don't know what I would do without you." Y/N says happily.

"You'd probably have some boring office job and no cool powers." Loki says. He sits on the couch with his legs stretched out resting on the coffee table beside his mug of coffee.

"Loki if you're going to use the coffee table for your drinks use a coaster at least." Tony says throwing a small cork board coaster at Loki.

Loki catches and puts it under his drink, cursing and mocking Tony under his breath.

"Loki is right though, if it wasn't for you guys I'd be a normal person with a normal life." Y/N says, "So, thank you."

"We should be thanking you, you keep the group together." Clint says with a playful wink.


Tony is working in his lab with AC/DC blasting in the background. He is working on his armour suits since he hasn't done much with them when he was looking for Y/N.

Natasha was upstairs with Y/N trying to convince her to go down and talk to Tony because he is giving off "weird vibes" since they watched the movie together.

Y/N had explained to Natasha what had happened the other night and the kiss. When she heard about it she was thrilled by the news and was telling Y/N that she knew it would all work out. She also playfully added that she was playing match maker with Steve by her side. If it wasn't for them nothing probably would have happened.

Y/N is nervous because Tony hasn't brought up the kiss yet or anything about the last night. She finally gave in and went down to the lab to see him before Natasha dragged her there herself.

Y/N walks through the door of the lab turning the music down so people could actually talk without yelling back and forth.

Tony turns to face Y/N wiping some oil and sweat off his face with the back of his hand. "Hey Y/N, what's up?"

"I came to talk... if you're not too busy." Y/N sitting down in a chair closer to Tony.

"I'm never too busy for you." Tony says spinning in his chair. "What's wrong?"

"I was hoping we could talk about last night." Y/N starts. "We didn't talk or anything, we just went and told everyone the good news."

"Okay." Tony says quietly. An odd silence fills the room and the two stare at their feet for a bit. "Yeah, this is awkward." Tony says bring his brown eyes to meet Y/N's.

"Yup." Y/N says. "Now thinking about it, we have plans that have never happened yet."


"The second date you asked me on. Now that I remember we might wanna try that again." Y/N offers.

"Sure, only if you want to though." Tony says, a big smile plastered on his face.

"I'd love to, It's only been a couple of months." Y/N laughs. "When and where do you want to meet?"

"6:30, and I'll find you in the tower, I'm going to cook you dinner, here." Tony says. He stands up and starts ushering Y/N to the door.

"Okay!" Y/N says while she gets practically pushed out the door. "Should I dress fancy?"

"Yup." Tony says before closing the door in Y/N's face making her laugh and walk back up to her room where Natasha waits.

"So, how did it go?" Natasha asks standing up from the bed as Y/N walks in. Natasha had made Y/N promise to come back and tell her what happened.

"I'm going on a second date with him at 6:30, he is going to cook for me!" Y/N says excitedly. Her eyes beamed with excitement because she still had feeling for Tony, those were never taken away. She's now only realizing that.

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