Chapter 10

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Y/N and Tony are walking down the main hallway towards the living area together, "Your room hasn't been changed since you left." Tony speaks up.

"Thank you." Y/N says plainly. It's been two days since she came from Hydra. Y/N has been resting in the infirmary so Bruce could keep an eye on her.

They stop at a door and Tony opens it showing a same room. It's familiar to Y/N some of her faint memories took place in a room like it.

"I sort of remember this room."  Y/N says to Tony, his eyes widen.

"Really! That's good we should go and tell Bruce that." Tony says grabbing her hand and practically dragging her back to Bruce's lab.

Bruce runs some neurological tests and did some scans getting Y/N to talk about the little things she remembers seeing if it triggers anything in the brain.

Tony and  Y/N end up back in her room just sitting together. "I'm sorry Bruce couldn't find anything to help." Tony says softly, looking down at his hands with a guilty expression.

"It's fine. We will find something. If not I will just make new memories." Y/N says placing her hand on his shoulder.


Y/N walks up and down the halls waiting to get more tired or for something, anything to happen. Y/N has been walking for a hour or so and she is bored out of her mind but she can't sleep. its late; 2:30 in the morning to be exact.

Sleeping isn't an option for her, the nightmares are far too bad. She has tried but failed miserably waking up sweaty and crying. Nightmares of her time in the Hydra base and how they tortured the infomation out of her and the screams and pleads from the inicent people she killed.

It's only been a couple days since he's been rescued but the people around her were able to make her realize that Hydra was the enemy all along.

She walks for another 10 minutes before Steve came out of his room to see who was walking around. He could hear faint mumbles of Y/N talking to herself and the foot steps of a sleep deprived being.

"Y/N, is that you?" Steve asks rubbing the tiredness from his eyes.

"Oh shit, sorry Steve I didn't mean to wake you." Y/N says, she stops walking and stands by him.

"Its fine, but what are you doing up so late? You should be sleeping."

"Can't sleep. Nightmares." she explains.

"Come on." Steve says, gently grabs her hand and leads her to her bedroom. They get to her room and just sit on Y/N's bed to talk a bit.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Steve asks. "You dont have to if you dont want to, I just know how it feels to be sleepless."

Y/N lets out a soft sigh before opening up to someone for the first time in how she feels since the accident, "I'm a monster Steve, I've killed so many people, to many people to make up for it." Y/N sighs "I hear their screams and their pleas for life in my dreams, I don't know what to do."

"Your not a monster. That wasn't you Y/N, it was Hydra controlling you." Steve says rubbing her back slowly.

"But I knew I was doing it. I could have stopped but i was to scared from my life so I started taking others." She cries.

"It's not your fault." Steve says pulling Y/N into a hug. "It's not your fault." He says again softly. They sit there for a while just embracing each other, Steve's shirt getting damp with tears. Y/N ends up falling asleep, dreamless from complete exhaustion. She is so sleep deprived her brain isn't stop enough to make up dreams or nightmares.

Steve realizes she fell asleep and carefully lays her down on the bed covering her with the duvet trying not to wake her. She wakes up just a bit to catch Steve's hand before he walked away, "Stay?" She asks quietly.

Steve nods and goes around to the other side of the bed and gets comfortable before going to sleep himself, careful to give Y/N personal space.


Steve wakes up before Y/N, her arm resting on his chest. He slides out of bed carefully and sneaks out of her room to get something to eat. He grabs an apple for himself and one for Y/N before heading back to her room.

He comes in tripping on his own two feet almost falling over. The sudden noise wakes Y/N causing her to jump out of the bed and lift Steve in the air with her magic. The serum had worn off after two days, and Nick Fury gave Bruce permission to not administer it again unless needed.

"Y/N! It's just me!" Steve says loudly.

"Shit!" Says Y/N placing him down carefully. "I'm sorry Steve, you scared me."

"It's my fault I should have been more careful. I got you something to eat though." He says tossing her the apple.

"Thanks." She says taking a bite out of it. "Thanks for last night. I needed the sleep."

"No problem if you ever need to talk I'm here." Steve says before heading out to leave Y/N to get changed.

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