Chapter 23

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A week passes and everything goes back to normal. The Hydra doctor is put into the highest security prison known to man kind, specifically ran by the organization that took care of planet level threats.

Tony and Y/N have been as close as ever. Since the event everyone has found out about Tony and Y/N dating so they didn't have to hide it anymore, not like they were trying to anyways.

"So there's a charity party tonight." Tony says to

"I'm aware. Is there something else you need?" She asks looking up from her book.

They are sitting on Tony's bed. Y/N had woken up without Tony beside her. She decided to read until he came back up from the lab.

"I was hoping you'd be my date." Tony says.

"Hmm. I don't know, I woke up alone today."

"I'm sorry, Love. I had to do something, is there anyway I can make it up to you?" Tony asks coming a little closer to Y/N.

Y/N puts down her book, reaching for Tony bringing him even closer by the collar of his shirt "I don't know, we'll have to see." Tony kisses Y/N on the lips.

"Is this helping?" Tony asks between kisses.

"I think so."

"So will you be my date?" Tony asks again, after breaking the kiss.

"I think I will." Y/N says.

"Pick you up at 7?" Tony jokes.

"I'll be waiting!"


7 o'clock rolled around and Y/N waits in her room. She is wearing a beautiful teal dress. It ends just above her knees and the V-neck lines ends half way down her torso. She paired it with a pair of stilettos and a pearl necklace. She knows Tony won't be able to keep his eyes or hands off of her in that dress.

There's a knock on her door and she knows it's Tony. She opens it and there he is, dressed in an old fashion black and white tuxedo.

"My my, don't you look handsome." Y/N says coming out of her room and closing the door.

"Why thank you, and you ravishing yourself." Tony comments. Y/N links arms with Tony and they head to the compounds ball room.

All the avengers are in the ball room mingling with the guests. When the doors open, revealing Tony and Y/N everyone goes quiet and turns to face them.

"Just act cool." Tony leans in and whispers to Y/N.

"Yeah that's easy for you to say, Tony Freakin' Stark!" Y/N hisses back.

They both put a smile on and Tony gives a little speech about the cause of the charity party and thanking everyone for coming and donating. He also thanks himself for donating ten million to the cause under both his name and Y/N's, making people laugh. Tony ended it by kissing Y/N and everyone cheers for them.

The two head down the stairs and find the rest of the avengers at a private corner bar. "Loved the speech, Tony." Y/N says with a sarcastic tone. "I loved the part where I was a part of it standing there."

"Since you're my girlfriend I thought it was appropriate for you to be up there with me. Plus if I told you, you wouldn't have agreed to it." Tony explains.

Before Y/N could argue more, joined the other Avengers. "Hey Lady Y/N!" Thor booms. He's in his formal Asgardian wear with a glass of his special ale.

"Hey Thor! How are you?"

"I'm good, can I talk to you privately for a moment?" Thor asks.

Y/N agrees and they head off to a quiet room. "So, what's up?"

"I've seen that you and Loki have grow very close. I'm very much glad that my brother has a friend now but I must ask. Is there anything going on with you two, romantically?"

Y/N bursts into laughter. "No, we are just friends. Why do you ask?"

"Would you like to go out with me, My Lady?" Somehow still oblivious to her openly dating Tony.

"Im flattered but I'm with Tony, sorry man." Y/N explains.

"I was not informed of this, I do apologize Y/N. Please forgive me." Thor says awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just back to the party." Y/N laughs. She pats him on the back before heading back to Tony's side.

"So Brother, how did it go?" Loki asks, appearing behind him in a flash of green.

"You knew about this!" Y/N asks.

"Oh yeah, I'm the one who convinced him to do it!"

"Do what?!" Tony asks.

"Thor asked me out!" Y/N laughs.

"What!? How didn't you know, I literally kissed her in front of everyone!? I swear to god if he put his big meaty hands on you-" Tony starts.

"Tony please, it was an innocent thing. I love you. No one else." Y/N reassures, kissing Tony.

Everyone one laughs about the situation making Thors cheeks tint pink but he laughs along, downing the rest of his drink.

The night goes on and dozens of guests ask for selfies with Thor and Steve. At one point a group of girls were hitting on Steve and he had to be rescued by Natasha who pretended to be with him.

Closer to the end Natasha and Tony became really competitive and decided to have a shots competition. Natasha ended up winning and Tony kept making up excuses for the rest of the night. He also swore everyone who saw to secrecy. Though everyone knew Natasha will be bragging about it in the morning, if she remembers.

The guest count slowly goes down and once everyone is gone Bruce and Y/N get Tony into bed before he hurts his ego anymore while Steve and Clint help bring Natasha to bed, Thor and Loki ended up passing out in the common room together; Y/N made sure to get a picture for future bullying.

Bruce and Y/N head to the lab, they aren't as tired, nor drunk as everyone else.

"I'm really happy for you and Tony." Bruce starts.

"Thank you, Bruce. Can I ask you something?" Y/N replies.


"Do you have a special someone in your life? You're a great guy, really though who wouldn't want to date you." Tipsy Y/N says.

"I'm flattered Y/N but with the other guy I'm to scared to date anyone." Bruce confesses.

"Well there's at scientist from SHEILD who created the fake skin. The one who fixed Clint's side." Y/N says nudging Bruce. "I've seen her eyeing you up and she knows about the green guy."

"Thank you Y/N but I don't need you setting me up!" Bruce laughs, cheeks turning pink. "I'm going to go to bed. Sleep well Y/N."

"Thanks. You too, Brucie!"

Bruce leaves the lab but pokes his head in to ask one last question "was she really 'eyeing me up'?"

"Yes Bruce, she was and you two would make a wonderful couple, just think about it."

"Maybe. Goodnight." And at that Bruce leaves.

Y/N heads back up to Tony's room and changes into one of his shirts that are too big for her before getting into bed.

Tony turns and snuggles up against her, head on her chest arm around her torso. "Goodnight, Tony." She whispers.

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