Chapter 14

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"We gotta get you ready, come on!" Natasha rushes to the closet and starts rummaging through it.

Y/N puts on a beautiful red dress that wraps around her waist her hair was slightly curled. Natasha even helped put a little bit of makeup on the young woman.

"Good luck Y/N!" Natasha says.


Y/N waits in her room reading because Tony did say he would come find her and that's what he did. There was a light knock on the door before it opens showing Tony on the other side. "Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yup." Y/N says, she uses her powers to put the book back in its place on the book shelf before walking out where Tony is in the hallway.

"You look stunning!" Tony compliments. He is wearing a simple black suit with a red tie matching Y/N's dress.

"You look very good as well." Y/N says half stunned, she hasn't seen Tony all dressed up in forever and when it happened it was something special.

"Shall we?" Tony asks sticking out his arm for her to take. Y/N nods and takes his arm, they walk to the elevator and go to Tony's floor where dinner waits.

They get there and their noses are instantly filled with the scent of homemade spaghetti. There is a table in the middle of the room with a red table cloth, there were simple white plates with covers on top to keep the food warm. The utensils were wrapped in a napkin, everything was perfectly placed.

"This looks amazing Tony, you didn't have to." Y/N says looking around.

"But I wanted too." he says with a smile. He leads Y/N to the table pulling out a chair for her, he goes to the other side and sits down as well.

Tony lifts the covers off the food letting a puff of steam out and put them on a counter. They eat their meal together, talking and laughing about everything. It was a dream come true, for both.

"Thank you Tony, dinner was amazing. I can't thank you enough." Y/N says wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Thank you, you're the amazing one here." says Tony. "Would you like to stay for a movie, we could make that a tradition?"

"Sure, I'd love to, I really enjoy watching movies with you." Y/N says. They clean up quickly and move to the couch. Tony grabs a blanket and pulls Y/N into his side wrapping the blanket around the two like a cocoon of a caterpillar.

Tony puts on the first movie of Jurassic Park saga. They watch for a while, snuggled with each other, holding hands subconsciously.

They sit in silence before Tony speaks up "Steve wanted me to ask you something, I know I will never be able to understand what you went through but we are wondering when you want to start training for missions and someday going on missions."

"I don't want to go on missions." Y/N says blankly keeping her attention on the movie that still plays.

Tony turns the movie off moving away a bit and turns to Y/N, she lets out a sigh and turns to face Tony. "Your powers would be very helpful on the battlefield."

"I said no. I don't want to fight, I don't want to kill." Y/N says. She can feel her anger building up within not with Tony but with herself, fighting to burst out free of its cage deep within.

She clenches her fists and they start to glow red with her energy. "I've killed enough for two of your life times. Hundreds maybe thousands, you don't know how many towns and cities I have burned down and destroyed." She desperately tries to explain.

"Then use your powers for good, fight the bad, hunt down the people who did this to you." Tony argues, not understanding what truly happened to the girl sitting in front of him.

"I said no! Get that into your thick skull!" Y/N slightly yells pissed off that Tony wouldn't drop it. Her hands glow a deeper red and objects around the room start to float.

Pure shock covers Tony's face as objects slowly bob in the air slowly moving closer to her. She looks around and sees what she is doing subconsciously, she instantly stops making all the things drop to the ground, some smashing some bouncing.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up tonight." Tony says looking away.

Without saying anything Y/N runs out of the room to the elevator and down to her living quarters. Y/N has tears in her eyes and sniffles every couple of seconds. She passes Natasha and she tries to talk to Y/N but she just keeps walking until she gets to her room.

She uses her magic to lock the door behind her, before she throws her body onto her bed still in her dress not caring if it gets wrinkled. She lets out a sad sigh and just closes her eyes trying to calm down as tears run down her cheeks into the sheets of her unmade bed.

Sorry I haven't been updating lately, I have really bad writers block, I'm trying my best. :)

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