4. rain

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4 days since you been home. so you haven't seen Dolores in a week. the king has fell very ill do your mother is now in charge. you've been hanging out with your older brother. he knows you are his little brother that's why he also became a guard so he can protect you. he maybe 2 years older but since you two grew up together he's always been protective over you. you both practice how to fight together and always got along. you use to wish he was your brother. You real dad is happy that his boys are together.

"Prince (y/n) you are needed by the queen. " you hear as you are sitting with Anastasia.

the king invited the her and her father for a talk but he got sick.so they are staying for a few day hoping he gets better so the wedding can be replanned.

"excuse me princess Anastasia." you say

you go follow Mario.

"God thank you bro. she was getting touchy. " you tell him.

"again why don't you like her? she's pretty, smart and god those blue eyes. " he ask confused

"well I like a different girl. A girl name Dolores and she has taken my heart. " you admit

Mario smiles at you

"that's so cute. " he says smiling

You enter the library where Mikael and your mom are waiting.

"what's going on ?" you ask

"we have to get you ready to go. the king should be dead by tonight. your mother would call the wedding off. you need to be gone before then. " Mikael said while handing you a bag with some of your stuff already packed.

"But won't king Samuel get mad his daughter isn't being wed? " you ask

"don't worry about that little bro " Mario tells you.

"i won't go it mom would be at risk. " you say and put the bag down

"nobody would be able to touch her with me around. " Mikael said

"and i won't let anyone hurt dad. " Mario smiles no at you.

you sigh and nod. you take a paper and write some stuff down then put it in an envelope. you hand it to your mom.

"this is in case they want me as king. I love you all. I'll make sure to visit after things cool down. " you say

you give them each a hug. your mom kisses you head.

"I love you so much mi hijo. make sure you take of that girl you like so much. Your horse is waiting for you. " she tells you and puts a black cloak on you.

she pulls the hood on your head and hugs you as she tears up.

"I love you too. this isn't forever. I'll see you again. " you smile sadly.

You smile at your brother and Father. you make your way out a secret exit and get on your horse. you look back at the castle you called home. you take a deep breath and tells your horse to go. You are making your way back to the beautiful Dolores Madrigal.

{3 days later}

It's been raining ever since you left. the towns people are worried but nobody dares ask Pepa anything. she's been trying to get Dolores out her room but the young woman refuses. Pepa has gone in a few times to try to comfort her daughter  who has been crying. Dolores refused to speak about her feelings and ask her mom to go. Felix has even went to his daughter and hugged her. Bruno tried to have the rats perform for her but she just wasn't in the mood. she held her tears when Antonio came in her room. She doesn't want her baby brother to see her like this. she knows Antonio is also devastated about you leaving. 

"Dolores... I had a nightmare. can I lay with you?"

"come here Tonito" she croaks with her sore throat.

He hurries and lays with her. She holds her little brother and play with his hair.

"do you think (y/n) would be back soon? I've been practicing like he taught me. " Antonio ask

"I don't know.. he has responsibilities. " Dolores tries to explain and it breaks her heart

Antonio sighs and cuddles into Dolores.

"Tio Bruno saw him. he couldn't tell when but it was raining when (y/n) comes home. Tio was just talking to mami about it. maybe that's why it's not thundering anymore."

Dolores looks at the boy as he closes his eyes. you are coming back like you said. when? Dolores watches her brother fall asleep in her bed. it's about 10pm. she covers him and goes to  wait on the porch. she sits with a book and glances up every now and then.  after a while she sighs

"what was i thinking ?" she says to herself.

"i'm almost there. " her ears pick up a familiar voice say as she was about to head inside

She smiles knowing that voice so well. She knows you aren't so far away so she waits. after about half an hour she sees your horse. her smile grows as she sees you slow him down and get off.

"Dolores." you say when you see her

she runs to you and you hug her. you hold each other and soon pull away from each other. you move her wet hair out her face and stare into her eyes.

"welcome back" Dolores said while looking in your eyes.

You lean down and kiss her. she kisses back and you hold her waist as she wraps her arms around your neck. the rain slows down and finally stops as you both pull away. you look and see Pepa standing in the window smiling at you both. you wave and she waves back.

"I like you. " Dolores says.

"I like you too. though i think Antonio already let that out. " you say chuckling a bit.

you put your horse in the stable and you both go inside and change. Julieta who is surprisingly still up makes you two hot chocolate before going to bed. Pepa on the other hand is just watching you both.

"mi vida let's leave them. " Felix says as he comes to get his wife

"i'm just making sure He doesn't pull any moves
on my little girl. " Pepa tells her husband.

"bed. now. " He grabs her hand

"I'm watching you two. good night.  Dolores I love you. Mr Prince keep those hands to yourself. " Pepa says as Felix drags her away.

"you know i won't do anything to hurt you. " you tell Dolores

"i know. my mami is just over protective. " she says

You smile and hold her hand while you both drink hot chocolate.

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now