16.prolonged visit

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you and Dolores are getting to the last day of your visit. you wake up before her and smile at her sleeping figure. you kiss her forehead gently and carefully get out of bed. you hear a knock and go to it.

"breakfast in bed your majesty " a butler said

"oh thank you Charles" you said

you take the little cart into the room. you smile as it's Dolores's favorites and a orange juice for her. then it's your favorite breakfast and favorite juice.

you go use the bathroom and when you are done Dolores starts to wake.

"good morning beautiful" you said as you walk over.

"good morning mi esposo" she said yawning

"what's for breakfast?" she ask getting up to use the bathroom.

you tell her and instantly see the smile on her face.

"don't eat without me.. i'll know" she said

"of course not" you said and sit down.

you wait patiently and Dolores come out with a concern look.

"what's wrong ?" you ask and stand up

"Princess Anastasia is here... the guards aren't letting her in and she's clearly pissed" Dolores said

"eat your breakfast. I'll be back" you said.

you put on your shoes, crown and jacket. you walk outside and head to the front. you see your dad and you two walk together. the guards must have alerted him.

"princess Anastasia.. what brings you here?" Mikael asked confused.

there has been no letters sent from her kingdom.

"I came to speak with prince (y/n).. i heard you was back for a visit. " she said

"the queen doesn't like visitors unannounced. especially when the prince and princess come to visit. " Mikael said

"it's okay. I'll speak to her here at the gate. please allow us a few minutes. " you said.

Mikael nods and walks away but not too far.

"what do you want princess Anastasia? my wife.. my pregnant wife is here with me" you said

"oh (y/n) that should have been me. i should be carrying your child. " she said

you sigh and look at her.

"stacey... I love my wife. it's always been her. she's the love of my life. the woman of my dreams. " you said

"why? why couldn't i be good enough!?" she screams clearly heart broken

"you are a great woman.. but i don't love you. that's why it would have never worked. I would have been forced to be with you and if that was the case i would've been cold towards you. that wouldn't be fair to either of us. " you said trying to calm her

"but i'm a princess! what does she even have that i don't? she's a nobody. " she said angry with her arms crossed

"me. " you said simple and turn around.

"close the gates! someone escort the princess and her guards out of the kingdom. now" you said with anger boiling into you.

"(y/n)" Mikael starts to say

"please... i do not want to lash out. give me time" you said simple holding in your anger.

he nods and you walk to your room. you take a deep breath and walk inside thinking Dolores was listening to the whole thing.

"come here" she said opening her arm

you walk over and hug her. you don't know why but you just cry thinking of how your life would've been without Dolores. that's the scariest thing you ever thought of.

"shh i got you" she said

she hums a song which eventually calms you down. you move and wipe your face.

"i'm sorry... i shouldn't have even entertained her. forgive me ?" you said hopeful

"oh mi amor... it's okay because you stood up for our relationship" she said.

"always.. i can't let anyone think they are better suited for me. only you are. you are my missing piece that makes me whole. I think without you I'd be a mess." you said staring into her eyes.

she tears up a bit and gently kisses you. you kiss back and cup her cheek. she smiles and pulls away slowly.

"i love you " she said

"i love you too" you smile

you two eat your breakfast peacefully. there is a low knock that you don't hear

"come in" Dolores said

Mario walks in looking a bit nervous.

"what's going on ?" you ask

"mom doesn't want me to escort you both home today. she is worried. she ask you two stay 2 extra nights. she heard Anastasia came all crazy like. " Mario said

"but.." you start

"amor i think it's a good idea. more time with your mom. " Dolores said

"okay" you agree

"great cause Mom already sent out a letter saying you two extended your stay because of weather. " Mario said walking out.

"of course " you mumble

"at least she didn't say the real reason because then my mom would really make it bad weather " she whispers in your ear

you chuckle and agree. you know Pepa doesn't play when it comes to her kids.

"how about we go to the library and read.. alone time before we are hunted down" you said

"sounds perfect" Dolores said smiling.

you hold her hand and you two go to the library.

"i can't wait to bring the twins so they can explore the castle" Dolores said as she looks over the books.

"i can show them all my favorite hidden spots for hide and seek" you said smiling

"i was never allowed to be it during hide and seek" Dolores told you

"what why?" you ask

she points to her ears and you understand.

"oh yeah.. you would definitely win" you said

"i haven't seen this book. read it to me" Dolores gets excited and takes a book out

you smile as it's one of your favorite childhood books and you two sit and read it.

(uh oh do y'all think Anastasia would just leave it like that or what?)

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now