14.double news

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Its been 2 months since you and dolores went to the waterfall and you both noticed a weight gain and sleepiness about Dolores. Dolores thinks she hears a heartbeat but wants to be sure. you went to the doctor and and they are running an ultrasound.

"Mr and Mrs Madrigal-(L/n). it seems you are expecting. "

you smile big and kiss Dolores on the head. she smiles big and tears up a bit.

"i'm so happy. " you said

"it appears to be twins" they tell you both.

Dolores starts to cry happily. you tear up a bit. after the appointment you two smile and start walking to casita

"oh what will we name them?" she ask happy

"well we have to come up with names. names with great meaning" you said smiling

"i have to write to your mom. we have to tell everyone."

you can't help but smile at how excited she is. you kiss her cheek and you two hurry upstairs to her room.

"i can't wait for dinner" Dolores said

"me either. " you say and kiss her stomach twice.

"one for each baby?" she ask

"yup and one for mami" you peck her lips

Dolores can't help but smile at how cute you are.

soon it's time for dinner. you help Dolores into her chair and kiss her head. you sit with her and everyone can tell you two are extra happy today. you two seem extra lovey dove. you cut Dolores food for her and wipe her mouth which she doesn't mind.

"okay is anyone going to ask why they are extremely happy and extra lovey dove? ... no okay i will. what's up with you two?" Camilo ask

"someone's jealous of love" Mirabel said

"at least my crush likes me back" Camilo shoots back

"kids!" Alma warns

they stop right away.

"now Dolores (y/n) do you have any news?" pepa ask wanting to know why her daughter is happier than usual

"oh nothing.. just that you are going to be an abuela" you say casually

"to twins" Dolores adds smiling

"my baby is having babies " Pepa said and tears up.

she goes and hugs you both.

"pepi you are going to get them wet" Felix said smiling as he swats the cloud 🌧

"i'm sorry." she said and calms down.

"to the parents to be !" Alma proposes a toast

"Felicidades" everyone says to you and Dolores

"so i get to be a Tio?" Antonio ask

"si tonito." Dolores said smiling at her youngest brother

"well where's the babies?" he ask

"in Lola's belly" you tell him and put a hand on Dolores's stomach

"oh.. how'd they get there?" Antonio ask

there is an awkward silence.

"well when a mami and papi love each other... they uh" Felix starts not knowing how to finish.

"they get a magic seed and the mami eats it. the baby grows in the tummy for a few months then they are born" Pepa tries to explain

"oh but how do they come out?" Antonio ask

"Tonito do you want dessert?" Julieta ask trying to save everyone

"si! i love dessert" Antonio said forgetting about his question.

he smiles happily as Julieta gives him his dessert.

"well we must celebrate... we are going to have the next generation" Alma said excited.

"not so soon. maybe when i'm showing. we still have to make a trip to his family also. "Dolores said

"my mom is going to be so excited. " you said smiling

"i hope it's boys we need more men in this family" Camilo said

"all that matters is them being healthy" you said smiling

Dinner ends with everyone being happy that there is going to be babies in the house soon. Alma seemed the most excited.  Pepa takes Dolores to her room so they can have a mother daughter chat. Felix smiles at you and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"i'm excited. i'm going to be an abuelo. I remember when i found out about Dolores. i was a crying mess. I was so excited to have a beautiful daughter with my beautiful wife. you make sure you treat Dolores even better during the pregnancy. whatever she wants you get. it doesn't matter if it doesn't make any sense. she wants mint cookies and chocolate milk you agree and get it. "Felix gives you fatherly advice

"of course. her body is doing a wonderful thing. she's carrying twins. she is to be treated as a queen" you said smiling

"smart answer son" he said and pats your back

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now