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Dolores is now 8 months pregnant and it looks like she can pop any day now. She's been extra cranky and it seems like little things tick her off. you've been trying your best not to get her mad. How do you not piss off someone who can literally hear everything?

It seems one of Dolores's peace is being in your shared room since it's sound proof and gives her ears some what of a break from all the noise.

currently you and Dolores are laying down and you unintentionally are tapping on the cover of a book you are reading.

"must you do that?" she snaps

"do what?" you ask confused.

"tap. it's annoying " she said

"oh.. i'm sorry mi amor. " you said and stop

"ugh! " she said and turns her back to you

clearly you upset your hormonal wife. you put the book down and rub her back.

"i really didn't mean to " you tell her.

"i'm sorry.. i'm just in pain. i've been having these pains for a few hours. "Dolores admits.

"what? why didn't you tell me?" you asked

"because you looked really cute reading and i didn't want to be a bother. plus it's kind of late " she tells you

you look at the clock and it's 10pm. you get up and look for that baby book about pregnancy pains. You want to know what could be causing this and why not look it up.

"amor.." Dolores said

"yes?" you said still looking around for the book.

"oh uh my water just broke" she said as if it's a casual thing

"oh shit" you said and run to Julieta's room.

you knock maybe a little too hard. Julieta opens the door rubbing her eyes.

"what's wrong?"she said

"babies.. their coming. " you said in a slight parental panic

Julietas eyes widen. you also go get Pepa and you three go to the room. You rush to Dolores side and hold her hand.

it takes about 5 hours but you two end up having a boy and a girl.

"what's their names?" Pepa asked smiling at her grandchildren.

"Camila and Marcos. " you and Dolores say together.

you kiss Dolores head letting her know she did a good job

"thank you for having our babies" you said smiling

"thank you for giving me them" she said

you smile and the older women let you two enjoy the babies. you know they will be all over the twins later.

"they are perfect. " you said looking at them

Dolores fed them with the help of Pepa and Julieta telling her how to do it. they are going to teach her to pump later. She yawns and you know she's tired.

"take a nap love. I'll watch them while you nap. " you said.

you put Marcos in his bassinet first then Camila. you make sure they are laying safely before going to Dolores and see she already fell asleep. you smile and kiss her head.

"thank you for everything you've given me. thank you for being an amazing wife. thank you for being an amazing strong mother. I love you more than anything Dolores. " you whisper

you see a small smile appear on her face. you go and watch the twins and smile. they are so tiny and cute.

"i'm going to protect you both with everything i got. marcos you are older by 10 minutes that means you are the big brother. make sure you watch over your sister. you two came into this world with an unbreakable bond. i love you two more than anything. " you tell your twins.

you kiss both their heads and make sure Dolores has all her after care things trying to be a good husband. you grab one of the fairy tale books you and Dolores have been reading the twins every night when you first found out she was pregnant. you sit on the floor between their bassinets and start to read to them.

"hey is it okay if i come in" you hear from the door.

you look up and see Felix.

"come in come in" you said

he quietly walks in. he kisses Dolores on her head and then walk over to you and the twins.

"wow they are beautiful. " he said admiring his grandchildren

"Marcos and Camila. " you said smiling.

"i love their names... hola Camila hola Marcos i'm your abuelo. " he coos the babies.

you smile as he talks with the twins.

"papi? (y/n)?" you hear Dolores say

you look at her.

"hola Amor. i just came to see you and the beautiful babies" Felix said.

he walks over to his daughter.

"hi papi" she said smiling at her dad

"you did an amazing job Lola. two beautiful babies." he said smiling at his oldest.

prince on the run (Dolores x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now