4. Criminal Minds-Drinking

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This is in a girls pov.
Y/n's POV:
"What the hell we're you thinking? DRINKING!" I look down and gulp as my father yells at me. I guess I should introduce myself i'm the daughter of Derek Morgan. Yes the one and only FBI agent. Let's get back to the story

Derek's POV:
I storm out of my office as i'm too angry to deal with Y/n. I run into Penelope "Hey what's wrong?" She stops and asks me. "I caught Y/n drinking outside." I sigh looking at her. "She was DRINKING?" "Yes and i'm to angry to deal with her I don't know what to do" "I'll punish her." Penelope tells me calmly. "Are you sure? You don't have to." "It's okay Derek i'll do it." "Okay give her what you think she deserves for drinking you spanked someone before so I trust you." Penelope nods and walks away. I walk outside to get some fresh air and then I see Spencer. I walk up to him and look at him and he looks back. We stand in silence for a few minutes. "So you just came to get some fresh air." "Yeah and to clear my head..I caught Y/n drinking." "Oh wow."

Y/n's POV:
I heard the door open and expected my dad but I looked up and saw Penelope. "Hey sweetie, your father told me what happened." "I bet he did." I say as I roll my eyes. "Hey I don't need your attitude young lady." I look down at the floor. "I'm sorry." "I'm gonna do your punishment so come over here." I look up in surprise "Wha-. "No you can't do that." "I can and I am." I slowly walk over and she grabs my wrist and pulls me over her lap. I gasp as I was not expecting that. "I'm gonna to do a set over each layer of clothing and then I will start the real spanking understood?" "Yes ma'am." Penelope starts laying down smacks on my jean clad bottom. After about 20 swats she has me stand up. "Let's get these down." "No please I won't do it again." I try and stop her but she doesn't respond. She gets my jeans down to my ankles and lays me back over her knees. She lays down another 20 swats and I let out a few tears. She starts pulling down my panties and I try and stop her. She lands two smacks on my sit spots and I yelp. She continue taking my pantries down. Then she lays down the last 20 smacks. "Okay I want you to stand up and go stand in a corner."

Penelope's POV:
After Y/n goes to a corner I walk to my office and grab a hairbrush out of my purse. Some people would say i'm going to hard on her but she's gonna feel this for the next few days. I walk back in and thankfully she's still in the corner. I sit back down and have her come over. "Okay back over my lap. You are gonna get sets of 15 with the hairbrush until I think you've learned understood?" "Y-yes ma'am."
SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "P-please no more i'm sorry." Her sobs break my heart but I have to keep going. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "NO MORE PLEASE PENELOPE IM SORRY" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK I finish up the last 10 smacks and stopped. I pulled her up into my lap making sure her bottom doesn't touch anything. "Shh your okay your forgiven shh calm down." I hear the door open and it's Derek.

Derek's POV:
"Hey sweetie." Y/n looks up at me and lets out another sob, it breaks my heart. "Come here." She hides her face in Penelope's neck. "Go see your dad." Garcia tells her. Y/n walks over to me I bring her into a hug and say comforting things in her ear. "Shh your forgiven your okay." "You forgive me?" She asks me. "Of course you made a mistake and you were punished." We stay like that for a few minutes. "Okay I have to work for a few hours you can go with Penelope and take a nap in her office okay?" "Yes dad." I plant a kiss on her forehead.

Y/n's POV:
I pull my clothes up and walk with Penelope to her office. "You can lay down on the couch right there. I'm going to work on some stuff but if you need anything ask me understood?" "Yes ma'am I understand." I lay down and am asleep within minutes.

2 hours later

I wake up and rub my eyes I look at my phone and notice I slept for over 2 hours. I sit up and hiss and stand up. "Hey you slept a while." Penelope tells me as she sees i'm awake. I nod and smile at her. "Can I go find my dad?" I ask her "I'll call him you stay in here." She tells me, I frown not liking her answer. "But I wanna look for him." I say as I stomp my foot. She sighs and says "Stop acting like a child I will call him." I tell her no and run out she catches my arm before I get to far. As soon as we're back in her office she starts landing swats on my bottom. "No please stop I won't do it again." She lands a few more swats. "Go stand in that corner while I call your father."

Derek's POV:
I'm about to go get Y/n so we can go get some dinner when I get a call from Garcia. "Hey baby girl." "Hey are you done yet?" "Yeah I was about to come is everyone alright?" "Not really just come down." She hangs up I sigh and grab my stuff and make my way to her office. I walk in and see Y/n in a corner. I put my stuff down and ask "What happened why is she in the corner?" I ask Garcia. "Sit down." I sit down and let her tell me what happened. After she tells me what happened I go over to my daughter grab her ear and say "What were you thinking? Your ass doesn't hurt enough you decide to run off too." I tell her. "Ow dad that hurts." I let go of her ear and she turns around and faces me. "I'm sorry but I just wanted to see you." She says as she looks down. I sigh "I understand that but you can't just run off understood?" "Yes sir i'm sorry." I nod "I'm not the one you need to apologize to young lady." She nods and looks at Penelope "I'm sorry i shouldn't have ran off." "It's okay sweetie your forgiven especially after I re litup your bottom." I watch as Y/n blushes. Y/n hugs Penelope and apologizes again. "Shh your forgiven." "Okay you and your dad prolly wanna get home right?" "Yes ma'am." "Okay i'll see you guys tomorrow." We wave goodbye and head home.

Longer chapter I hope you guys liked it. ❤️

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