7. Stranger Things-Weed Problem

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This chapter takes place in season four. It will contain minor spoilers.

Joyce's POV:
"Jonathan are Will and El up?" I ask my eldest son. "I don't know." He says rolling his eyes. I walk up to him and swat his bottom twice. "OUCH." He says. "Stop with the attitude or you will be over my lap before school." I tell him sternly. "Yes ma'am." He says and looks down. "And what is that weird smell." I ask him. "I don't know." He says acting weird. I ignore it for now so I can make sure Will and El are awake."

First I go into El's room and she's awake getting ready. "Morning sweetie." I say with a smile. "Morning Joyce." She says.

Next I go to Will's room and he's just waking up. "Will you were supposed to be up twenty minutes ago." I say annoyed. "I'm sorry. I slept through my alarm." He says. Will's a sweet kid so i'm never very hard on him and he rarely acts out. "Just get ready your leaving in fifteen minutes." I tell him. "Yes ma'am." I walk out and close the door.

When I go out to the kitchen El is sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. "Has Jonathan been out here to eat his breakfast." I ask El. She shakes her head no since she has a mouthful of cereal. I sigh and go to his room, I knock on the door. "Jonathan come eat breakfast." I say. He comes and opens the door. "I'm not hungry, i'll just eat lunch at school." Jonathan says with a hint of attitude. "I wasn't asking and I told you to drop that attitude, didn't I?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "Yes ma'am." He says.

The kids just got picked up so I guess I should start on my work. I keep thinking of what I smelt in Jonathan's room this morning. I sigh and decide i'm going to go check it out.

I search for about 10 minutes before I find a box under his bed. I pull it out and open it and find weed. I'm shocked but then that turns into anger. This boy is gonna get it after school. I sigh and put the box back under his bed

—After School—
Will and El walk into the house, there backpacks hanging off there shoulders. "Hi kids." I say. They both say hi to me. "Where's Jonathan?" I ask. "He's outside he said we would come in, in a minute." Will says with a shrug. "Okay i'm going to go find him, you too start on your homework." They sigh but do as I ask.

I walk outside onto the porch and I don't see Jonathan but I see a pizza van. I realize that is Jonathan's friend Argyle and I see both them inside.

I march right up to the van and knock on the window scaring them. "Open this window right now." Jonathan slowly opens the window. "Get out right now." I say. He grabs his stuff and gets out thinking I didn't know what they were doing. As soon as he's out I tell Argyle to get on home. I march Jonathan inside past Will and El, giving us weird looks.

We go into Jonathan's bedroom and I tell him to sit on the bed. "I want you to get under your bed and grab that box." I say. He looks at me confused and then realizes what i'm talking about. "YOU WENT THROUGH MY STUFF." He says his anger rising. I sigh. "You do not raise your voice at me. Now do as I say." I tell him. He listens to me thankfully. I grab the box from him and tell him to sit. "This is what's going to happen i'm going to throw this away while you go face the corner for a few minutes while I talk to Will and El." I say sternly. "I'm not fucking five." Jonathan mumbles. I pop his mouth and he instantly holds it. "You may not be five but your acting just like it. I don't care how old you are this is how your getting punished. Am I clear?" I say sternly. "Y-yes ma'am." Jonathan walks over to the corner and faces the wall.

I sigh and go out to the garbage bin to throw this away. Afterwards I go into the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Joyce is everything okay?" El asks me. I sigh and turn around towards El and Will. "Yes everything is fine, Jonathan is just acting out. He will be getting punished so neither one of you come in unless it's an emergency." They both give me a nod.

Before I go back to Jonathan's room I grab my wooden hairbrush. I go back to Jonathan's room and call him over. He slowly walks over to me with his head down. "I want your pants and underwear down at your ankles." He tries to protest but I shush him. He sighs in defeat and pulls his pants and underwear down. I guide him over my lap and adjust him so he's comfortable. "Your getting a small warm up and then you will be getting sets of twenty with the hair brush." I receive a nod from him.

I start smacking his bottom left and right until I reach about twenty. I hear small grunts from him trying not to show his discomfort. I pick up the hair brush and land the first smack. "OUCH."
SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OW SHIT." "What did you just say young man." I ask my son. "I-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He pleads. "If you keep cussing i'm going to wash your mouth out." I say. "Yes ma'am." He sighs.

Will's POV:
When my mom said Jonathan was getting punished I knew exactly what that meant. I don't think El did though me and Jonathan haven't gotten many punishments since we moved and most of the time El wasn't here and she's been behaving. Once I heard Jonathan cuss and my mom scold him I figured El knew what was happening.

El's POV:
I think Joyce is spanking Jonathan because it sounds like he's crying and I saw Joyce grab a hairbrush. I was never spanked before my dad took me in. I've tried to behave since I moved with the Byer's. I've only gotten spanked once and Jonathan and Will weren't here.

Joyce's POV:
I've given Jonathan about forty swats and he's starting to kick and he's crying hard. I decided twenty more swats will do it. "Your going to get twenty more swats and then it will be over." I tell him. "Please mom i'm sorry." Jonathan says covering his bottom. "Jonathan you have twenty more than it's over." I say, he just sobs and doesn't move his hands. I sigh and pin his hands on his back.
SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OUCH PLEASE." Jonathan yells kicking his legs." SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OWW." I rub Jonathan's back trying to call him down. "Shh it's over your okay." I continue to rub his back until he gets up. He slowly pulls up his underwear and silently hisses. He lays down in bed and I cover him up kissing his head. I turn off his lights and go to check on El and Will. They are watching tv in the living room. "Did you guys finish your homework?" I ask them. "Yes ma'am." They both reply. I sigh and sit down on the couch and watch tv with El and Will.

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