9. The Outsiders-Dally's Little Brother

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Prompt Idea: aem9876

Dally's POV:
6:30 a.m.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, like I do every morning. I rub my eyes and slowly get up. I still have to wake up Austin, my little brother. I get dressed for work and go to my brothers room to wake him up for school.

I walk into Austin's room and shake him trying to wake him up. It usually takes him a few minutes to get up, he's a heavy sleeper. After a few minutes he's up and getting dressed. I don't eat breakfast in the morning but I set out a pop tart for Austin to eat on the bus.

We live above the bar I work at, I have to be at work by 7. I know who's gonna be drinking at 7, you'd be surprised. So Austin has to ride the bus because he's not old enough to drive and I don't have time to take him.

About 15 minutes later Austin comes downstairs and grabs his pop tart, eating it. "Make sure you have everything you need in your bag." I remind him. He nods his head and continues eating.

6:55 a.m.

"Let's head downstairs so you don't miss your bus." I say. He nods and grabs his backpack, I lock the door behind us.

"Have a good day at school." I say hugging him since the bus is here. "Thanks." He says giving me a small smile. I sigh and get started on work.

I get a few customers throughout the day, it's not very busy. Which is expected this it's a weekday and it's the middle of the day.

Around 3:00 p.m. Austin comes inside from off the bus. I can tell he's angry, he has a upset look on his face. "Austin." I say trying to get his attention and he ignores me. I sigh and tell my boss i'll be right back.

Austin's POV:
I know Dally's gonna be pissed at me for ignoring him. I go into my bedroom and lay on my bed turning away from the door. A few minutes later Dally comes in.

"What's wrong!" Dally asks me. I don't answer, I'm annoyed. "Austin. Answer me." He says. I sit up and look at him. "What?" I say annoyed. "What's with the constant attitude?" Dally asks me. "I just had a bad day." I'm trying not to have a worse attitude or Dally will beat my ass. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks me. I shake my head no.

"Alright, I have to work for another hour then I'll come up and make us dinner." I give him a nod. "Make sure to get your homework done." I sigh and he walks out.

I lay in my bed not wanting to do my homework, but Dally will be pissed if I don't do it. I sit at my desk and start on my homework. I only have math to do so it shouldn't take to long.

1 hour later

Dally's POV:
I'm finally done with work for the day. I head upstairs and check on Austin. When I walk in he's asleep at his desk on his homework. I sigh. I slowly wake him up. "Austin." I say shaking him. He slowly wakes up. "I-I'm sorry." He says looking down. "It's alright, I'm not mad. I'm gonna make dinner why don't you finish up your homework please." I say and he nods trying to find his pencil.

About 30 minutes later dinner is done, I made some pork chops. My boss gave them to me as a gift for working so hard this week.

"Austin dinners ready!" I yell. He comes out and sits at the table. I sit his plate in front of him. He looks at me surprised, this is fancy food to us. I sit down with my plate and we eat.

"Dally, could I go somewhere tonight?" Austin asks.

"Depends. Where are you going?" I ask him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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