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"Yes sire?"

"Why exactly, are yesterday's clothes still here?"

Merlin glanced at the pile he had unceremoniously dumped in a corner of the room. He really had been intending to pick it up, but of course his ridiculously long list of chores had kept him otherwise occupied.

"Well- I would have taken them earlier but you-" he tried to explain.

"No excuses Merlin" Arthur cut him off, with a roll of his eyes. "You're my manservant, so it's your job to do all these tasks. You are aware of that right?"

Merlin huffed in annoyance.

"Yes I'm aware of that, sire. You know it wouldn't kill you to help out once in a while" he complained, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't be ridiculous Merlin" Arthur scoffed "I'm the crowned prince, and therefore have much more important things to do, than simple chores. That's why I have you" he continued, dismissively.

The warlock sighed in defeat, as he started towards the large pile of stupid clothes(no one should wear that many items of clothing in one day, if you ask him). He was hoping he'd be able able get the laundry done quickly enough to get a few decent hours of sleep, before dawn.

"And close that window would you? It's freezing in here" Arthur called, while climbing into his oversized bed.

"That's generally what happens when it snows, you dollop head" Merlin grumbled, as he turned on his heel to walk back to the large window.

"Idiot" Arthur fired back.


His comment was met with silence, and Merlin guessed that the prince was most likely searching for something to throw at his head. Apparently, he had guessed correctly.

The little object hurtled through the air, and Merlin instinctively ducked to avoid it. He looked up just in time to see the small key sail through the open window and disappear.

"Arthur!" He exclaimed in dismay, quickly reaching the window sill and peering over the edge.

Merlin squinted his eyes into the darkness, trying in vain to catch a glimpse of his key. No luck. It was likely to be lost in the heaps of snow covering the courtyard.

Great, he huffed, mentally waving goodbye to his hopes of a good night's sleep. In fact, he won't get any sleep at all, considering that had been the key to Gaius's chambers. The physician had left the citadel for a few days to attend to a patient, leaving Merlin the only key to get into his sleeping quarters. Of course he had locked the door behind him earlier that evening, with said key. The same key in fact, that Prince Prat had just hurled out of a window.

"Now look what you've done" he accused, narrowing his eyes at Arthur.

"Ah..." the prince trailed off, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

Merlin groaned tiredly, as he stomped towards the door; pointedly ignoring the heap of unwashed clothes still sitting in the corner. He figured he should probably look for the key, while the courtyard was empty –easier to use a bit of magic help him when there's no one around. Gaius would certainly have his head otherwise (for losing his key and using magic out in the open).

"Where are you going?" Arthur's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Where do you think?"

"You can't possibly hope to find it now" the prince argued, "it's cold and dark"

Merlin One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now