Chapter 10: My parents are here

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Reminders: cussing and slight nsfw words, that is all. Btw shoutout to @Boss4tehwatcher, there you finally got your "[[SPECIL APPEARANCE]]" Happy now???

The morning sun's shine gives light to Umbra's bedroom, she is awoken by the light. As she stood up, she looked to her left and smiled. Laying down next to her was Penumbras, stripped off all his armor, indeed they were both naked, they had some fun last night eh? She placed a gentle kiss on Penumbras' lips to which he was awoken by.

"Good Morning Darling!" Umbra said, giving Penumbras a tight hug. Penumbras rubbed her head and smirked at her. He grabbed her lips and connected it with his, "Morning kiss already?" Umbra giggled. Their moment was interrupted by a call from the servants. "Your Majesty! I have a letter for you!" the servant shouted.

"Oh, you two are uhh... having sex. Is this not a right time to deliver the message, your majesty?" the servant asked her, its face was red from seeing well... two naked bosses sharing the same bed. "No go along, give me the message", Umbra grabbed the envelope and opened to up, inside was a letter from... her father. "Your... father sent this?" Penumbras asked her with a nervous expression on his face.

"My parents are coming to visit!" Umbra shed a tear, she has not seen her parents for more than 500 years, she has wondered what they were up to these days. Joy filled her face, she grabbed Penumbras' arms and urged him to prepare for their arrival. Penumbras being the head knight, complied with her requests and the two joyfully prepared the castle, bossing around all their minions.

The winds blow through the castle doors and there stood Umbra's parents, a huge smile formed on their faces. "Father! Mother!" Umbra shouted in joy, giving the two of them a hug. Penumbras walks in and introduces himself. "Greetings, I am Penumbras, the head knight of your daughter, remember me?" he politely greeted them in joy as well. Back during their teenage years, Umbra was still 18 and was only a princess, it was that age where she met Penumbras who became her personal knight only at the age of 17.

"Penumbras, of course I remember you!" Umbra's father tightly hugged him. "Penumbras, oh my look at you, you've grown!" Umbra's mother joined the hug as well, seeing how tall Penumbras was. Umbra started to notice that the two have something similar that she couldn't distinguish. Umbra's mother gave her daughter a warm hug, from queen to queen. Just like her daughter, Umbra's mother was a queen as well, her husband is the king.

"Whoa who are these two over here?" Jaxe and Swamp Monster asked them, "Jaxe, Swamp Monster meet my parents. Mother, Father, meet Jaxe and Swamp Monster, my minions from Earth" Umbra introduces the two. "Umm hi?" Swamp Monster greeted them. "Pleasure to meet you both, any friends or minions of Umbra is a friend of ours" Umbra's father politely greeted them.

 Penumbras started to feel happy about himself, at first he thought that since Umbra was a ruthless tyrant then so we're her parents. He never expected them to be very kind, it reminds him of someone, his queen and girlfriend Umbra. She was a nightmare for her enemies but on the inside she was always nice. "Kindness runs in your blood isn't it my queen?" Penumbras said. "Oh silly! Of course" Umbra laughed and giggled at him, both of their faces blush as if they we're flirting with each other.

Their behavior soon caught the attention of Umbra's parental units, something was up. "My queen, my head knight, it is lunch time, please proceed to the dining hall" the Lunar Servant called them. "Are those your servants? They look adorable!" Umbra's mother exclaimed. The Lunar Servant heard her words and walked away with a neutral expression on her face.

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