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Hi, I am Cassie and last time checked all the characters belong to Suzann Collins except the ones I made.

Hello people of Regalia this is my first ever fanfic! Also, I have school and soccer so if I don't post it post it is because I am busy. I try to post at least 3 times a week but might not post 3 times maybe 2 it depends. If you are on Roblox join my group called Luxa the Underland.

So, if the words are slanted that means the character is thinking or it is a letter ( I will say thought or letter) if the words are bold that means that I am talking.

Edit: omg this is so old and cringy so if you read anymore beware! I might edit the chapters but honestly I probably won't. And the Roblox thing doesn't exist anymore. I wrote this when I was like 9... yea I was a kid that was obsessed with Gregor the Overlander.

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