The Trip

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As soon as we take off all the memories of riding Ares flood my brain and sadness filles me, but I hold it back and focus on what is important.

"Overlander, do you think you could tell me about my father?" Atones askes but he must have "seen" my sadness and quickly said

"If you don't want to its fine" 

"No, it's fine I can tell you" I say and I tell him all the adventures we had until we heard a soldier say

"Overlander, we have flown for 5 hours, and the fliers are tired do you know of a place we can land?" 

"Yes" I say as I clicked 

"Just ahead there is a flat surface." I say and we land and all the bats huddle close and it reminded me of Ares.

"Get some rest we will take flite again in 3 hours." I say

                                                                       3 Hours Later

"Everyone up!" I say not to loud to startle them but to get them up and soon we are in the air again then I hear it 


"Soldiers stop!" I yell

"Stay here I am going to see what that sound was." I say as Atones flies down and while he  flying, I realizes that we are in the Firelands and Gashgore said Ripred was here.

"Overlander there is a gnawer." Atones says 

"Drop me here, I will go see what or who it is." I say

"I will be here if you call." Atones says I nod and start towards the cave

"Hello?" I call out

"Yes yes can you just help!" Said a grouchy voice and I would recognize that voice anywhere..... Ripred

"Oh well maybe ask nicer?" I say sarcastically

"Oh just get me out of this hole!" Ripred snarled 

"Fine fine I guess I can't let you rot Lizzie would kill me." I say as I try to find a way to get the big rat out

"Lizzie?" Ripred asked

"Lizzie the Coder." I say still trying to find a way to get him out then I remember Luxa used bats to get him out (A/N: I think🤷) 

"Atones!" I call out

"Yes Overlander?" He asked

"Do you think you could get a rat out of this hole?" I ask

"Why yes." He said as he started to get ready to pull Ripred out

"Ok Ripred Atones is going to pull you out!" I tell him and give Atones the all clear to start pulling him out. Once he is out he asked

"Who are you and how do you know me?"

"Ah well it was a big guess not like you locked me up in the darkness or fought with me." I say sarcastically

"You said something about Lizzie?" He said and I only assumed he remembered me so I said

"Yes Lizzie is here but as been taken by someone or something."

"Then why are you standing here you have to go?!" He said

"What about you?" I ask

"I will be fine but your sister won't." He said and ran off

Soon we were back in the air and I "look" around then I see it the cave where it all happened where Ares died where the Bane died where I almost died but some shiners saved me and had to chew on Ares claw to free me but I still keep a piece of the claw around my neck like a shark tooth but more bad memories. When we land I realize that we got here a day early but that did not stop whatever because I am met with a huge at lest 7 foot rat who lunges at me.

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