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When we get to the Prophecy room Vikus asked us to read the wall and it said:

The warrior no more will come once more

Coder will be gone

Queen will find love

Regalia will have a king

New heirs will be halflanders

Queen will have two heirs

Regalia shall come a happy place

One over one under shall build the nation of Regalia.

"Shall we decipher it?" Vikus asked I nod as he says

The warrior no more will come once more

"That must refer to you returning" He said then we did the next

Coder will be gone

"Lizzie is the coder and she went missing so." I say

Queen will find love

Me and Luxa blush then Vikus said

"That must refer to you two." We blush harder

Regalia will have a king

" That you must be king Gregor." Vikus say and I blush hard because I know that means Luxa and I will have to married for me to be king.

New heirs will be halflanders

"You and Luxa will kids to be hires." Vikus said and we blush

Queen will have two heirs

"This further confirms what I said before."

Regalia shall come a happy place

"That must mean Regalia will be happy"

One over one under shall build the nation of Regalia.

" I think it is referring to you two as king and Queen." Vikus points at us and we blush then he says

"Since the Prophecy says that you will be king Gregor then you can stay with Luxa in her Quarters and you will take lessons with me about the Underland." Vikus said then walked out the door we followed behind and went to Lu-our Quarters but first I grab my stuff and tell Lizzie and Maggie where we will be staying then me and Luxa hand in hand walk off.

I am THE BEST at making prophecy's am I right!

Gregor and the Return (DISCONTINUED) (UP FOR ADOPTION)Where stories live. Discover now